Free hand

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

9 coats of arms in the ballroom, solution

Riddle369 24 Zero Fleurdelis 9CoatsOfArms jpg

Categories: Riddle solution, Pointed and rounded, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Or, Azure, Fleur de lis, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Bend sinister, Cross, Fess and Saltire.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ackerson - Akers, lineage

Sable, a Bend between three Acorns Or.

Ackerson and Akers lineages.

Sable, a Bend between three Acorns Or.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

The coat of arms of Ackerson and Akers lineages emblazoned by me and extracted from [Burke, B.; 1989].

Unless the blazon specifies another layout, when a bend is between three charges, this charges are ordered, two in the chief and one in the base, as the three acorns do in this case.

[Rietstap, J. B.; 1861] escribe el blasón de «Ackers ou Akers» como «de sable, à une bande d'or, acc. de trois glands du mesme».

Blazon keywords: Sable, Bend, Between, Three, Acorn, Or and Ordered.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Interpreted.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ackhurst, lineage

Argent, on a Bend Sable three Acorns Or.

Ackhurst lineage.

Argent, on a Bend Sable three Acorns Or.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

The coat of arms of Ackhurst lineage emblazoned by me and extracted from [Burke, B.; 1989].

Unless the blazon specifies another direction, the charges in a bend follow the direction of their bend, as the acorns do in this case.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Bend, Sable, Three, Acorn, Or and Bendwise.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Interpreted.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Adrian V

Bendy of six Azure and Argent.

186th Pope of the Church, only 40 days in 1276. «Hadrianus V», born Ottobuono de Fieschi, was born in Genoa.

Bendy of six Azure and Argent.

Escudo bandado de seis piezas de azur y plata.

Papal coat of arms interpreted by me with: a shield with a rounded arch top; the field in plain tincture of Argent; the bands illuminated in Azure and outlined in Sable; and the whole in an elevated line style.

The blazon in French is «Bandé d'azur et d'argent de six pièces».

The banding is defined in [Avilés, J.; 1725a; page 40] and [Avilés, J.; 1780a; page 45] as the shields and also, the chiefs, fesses, pales, and figures, such as animals, etc., that are «covered and filled with bands in equal number, with as many of metal as of color».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Bendy, Six, Azure and Argent.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Religious and Papal States.

Bearer: Adrian V.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Albero, lineage of Aragon

Vair ancient.

Blazon of the Albero lineage of Aragon.

Vair ancient.

Escudo de veros antiguos.

Illuminated and with a glass finish.

It can be consulted in [Cadenas y Vicent, V. de; 1987; page 62].

[Friar, S.; 1987; pages 157-158] says of the veros: «originates from the fur of a species of squirrel... which was popular in the Middle Ages as a lining for the garments of those not entitled to wear ermine. The animal was blue-grey on the back and white underneath. By sewing a number of these pelts together, with white and blue-grey alternating,... one which easily translated into the stylized armorial form of Vair and its variants».

Blazon keywords: Vair ancient.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Coat of arms.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Alcantara, Cavalry Regiment

Argent, a cross of Alcantara.

Coat of arms of the Armored Cavalry Regiment Alcantara No. 10, RCAC-10, in 2016.

Argent, a cross of Alcantara.

Escudo de plata, una cruz de Alcántara.

Coat of arms interpreted in the following manner: the shape of the shield is of a semicircular arch; the field is illuminated in the metal Argent; the cross of Alcantara is outlined in Sable and illuminated in Vert; and the whole has a raised stroke finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Cross of Alcantara, Cross couped and Cross.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Military, Army and Navy and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Alcantara, Cavalry Regiment.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Alcantara, Order of

Order of Alcantara, emblem

It was founded by Count Henry of Burgundy as a military and religious order, in the year 1093, in Beira Alta, Portugal, near the river Côa with the initial name of «Ordem de São Julião do Pereiro» ~ Order of Saint Julian of Pereiro.

In the year 1214, the defense of the city of Alcantara after its conquest was entrusted to the Order of Calatrava, but in 1218 the Calatravans relinquished it due to Alcantara being far from Calatrava.

To defend Alcantara, King Alfonso IX of León entrusted it to the new Order of the Knights of Saint Julian of Pereiro, requesting in return a certain level of dependency on the Order of Calatrava, which led the Knights of Saint Julian to adopt the Cistercian rule.

Once established in Alcantara, their original name referring to Saint Julian fell into disuse, and by 1253 there were already references to the «masters of the Order of Alcantara», with Saint Julian of Pereiro becoming the foundational center and a secondary commandery of the order.

On the origin and antiquity of the Military Order of Alcantara, and the form of its Commandery

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter V, page 339] describes it as follows: «The Military Order, which we now call of Alcantara, was formerly that of Saint Julian of Pereiro, so named after the place where it was based, along the banks of the river Côa, in the Bishopric of Ciudad-Rodrigo, established in the year 1176 by King Ferdinand II of León, and confirmed in 1177 by Pope Alexander III. And the reason for changing its first name to the second, was because after the Knights of Calatrava had taken the City of Alcantara from the Moors and defended it bravely thereafter, they found it would be difficult to keep it, as their main house was very distant, from which the other Knights and reinforcements could not come whenever needed.».

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter V, page 340] continues by telling us «They discussed this inconvenience with others they had at the time with the King of León, Don Alfonso IX, and it was resolved that the Master of Calatrava would give that town to the Knights of Pereiro so that they might defend it, as they did, under certain conditions in the year 1218, later performing marvels in its defense, earning through their fame and distinguished feats new graces from the Kings; and seeing how essential their residence was, the Knights of Pereiro moved to the town of Alcantara, establishing their Convent there, and thus transformed into Knights of Alcantara, who were previously Knights of Saint Julian of Pereiro».

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Religious, Military, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Emblem, Cross of Alcantara, Cross couped and Cross.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Aldam, lineage of England

Azure, a ray of the sun bendwise, issuant from the dexter chief Or.

Blazon of the Aldam lineage of England.

Azure, a ray of the sun bendwise, issuant from the dexter chief Or.

Escudo de azur, un rayo de sol puesto en banda, naciente de la diestra del jefe de oro.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

Described in [Burke, B.; 1989; page 9, column 1, entry 11].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, One, Ray of the sun, Bendwise, Nascent, Dexter, Chief and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Kingdom of England.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Alea Capital

Party per pale Sable and Or, two griffins' heads eraticted, and addorsed counterchanged.

Party per pale Sable and Or, two griffins' heads eraticted, and addorsed counterchanged.

Escudo partido de sable y oro, dos cabezas de grifo arrancadas y adosadas del uno en el otro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Sable, Or, Two, Head, Griffin, Erased, Addorsed and Counterchanged (side-by-side).

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Socioeconomic, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Alea Capital.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Anderson of Erbury

Argent, a chevron between three crosses flory Sable.

Argent, a chevron between three crosses flory Sable.

Escudo de plata, un cabrio acompañado de tres cruces flordelisadas todo de sable.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

The coat of arms of Anderson of Erbury emblazoned by me in 4 ways: 1) tricking using abbreviations, 2) hatching using lines, 3) plain tinctures, and 4) lights and shados. It is a preliminary artwork for the arms of Nick Allen Rica II.

Clan Anderson, Anderson of Erbury

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, One, Chevron, Between, Three, Cross flory, Cross couped and Sable.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed, Tricking, Hatching and Plain tincture.

Classification: Interpreted, Kingdom of Scotland and Schema.

Bearer: Anderson of Erbury.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Antonio Ruiz Porras, structured and parallel blazons

The coat of arms of Antonio Ruiz Porras emblazoned by me, with the blazon written in English and Spanish in a structured way to observe the parallelism between both forms.

Quarterly: 1 Argent, a dolphin haurient Azure; 2 Azure, a sunflower Or; 3 Azure, on a closed book Or a diamond Azure; 4 Argent, a lark Azure. Escudo cuartelado: 1o de plata, un delfín hauriante de azur; 2o de azur, un girasol de oro; 3o de azur, un libro cerrado de oro cargado de un diamante de azur; 4o de plata, una alondra de azur. Structured and parallel blazon

Blazon keywords: Argent, Azure, Or, One, Quarterly, Dolphin, Haurient, Sunflower, Closed book, Book, Charged, Diamond and Lark.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Structured and parallel blazons, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Ruiz Porras, Antonio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Araneta, lineage

Azure, a lion rampant Argent, in chief a mullet of four points Or; a bordure Gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.

Azure, a lion rampant Argent, in chief a mullet of four points Or; a bordure Gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.

Escudo de azur, un león rampante de plata, surmontado de un lucero de oro; una bordura de gules cargada de ocho sotueres de oro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

These are the ancient arms of the lineage Araneta emblazoned by me. They are from the Basque Country and there is a branch in the Philippines. This star is known as mullet of four points.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Or, Gules, One, Eight, Lion, Rampant, Mullet of four points, Bordure, Saltire and Couped.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Araneta, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Argudo of Guipuzcoa, lineage

Argent, two wolves passant, in pale Sable, langued Gules; a bordure Azure charged with eight mullets Or.

Argent, two wolves passant, in pale Sable, langued Gules; a bordure Azure charged with eight mullets Or.

Escudo de plata, dos lobos pasantes, en palo de sable, lampasados de gules; una bordura de azur cargada de ocho estrellas de oro.

Arms depicted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Ancient arms of the lineage Argudo of Guipuzcoa emblazoned by me. The lineage Ochoa of Vergara has a blazon equivalent to this one. Alternative blazon: Argent, two wolves passant, in pale Sable, langued Gules; on a bordure Azure, eight mullets Or.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Sable, Gules, Azure, Or, One, Eight, Wolf, Passant, In pale, Bordure and Mullet.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Argudo of Guipuzcoa, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Arms of Richard Allen Stowe emblazoned by me in different ways

Vert, a pall raguly Or between three leopards' faces Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Vert, on a coronet Or a leopard's face Or between two wings Sable. Motto: «Inter feros» in letters Sable within a scroll Argent.

Vert, a pall raguly Or between three leopards' faces Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Vert, on a coronet Or a leopard's face Or between two wings Sable. Motto: «Inter feros» in letters Sable within a scroll Argent.

Escudo de sinople, una perla ecotada de oro entre tres cabezas de leopardo de oro. Timbrado de un burelete de oro y sinople surmontado de una corona de oro surmontada de una cabeza de leopardo de oro acompañada de dos medios vuelos de sable. Lema: «Inter feros» de sable sobre una filacteria de plata.

Freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Vert, One, Pall, Raguly, Or, Three, Head, Leopard, Crest and mantling, Wreath, Above, Crown, Between, Two, Wing, Sable and Motto.

Style keywords: Freehand, Pointed and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Stowe, Richard Allen.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Baldovino from Venecia, lineage

Gules, an eagle displayed Or.

Gules, an eagle displayed Or.

Escudo de gules, un águila de oro.

Arms painted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or and One.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Baldovino from Venecia, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Barras y división de la diagonal

Bendy sinister of seven.

Bendy sinister of seven.

Escudo, tres barras.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions and Bend sinister.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded and Freehand.

Classification: Schema.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Barras, comparación de 2 métodos de delineación

Argent, three bendlets sinister Azure.

Argent, three bendlets sinister Azure.

Escudo de plata, tres barras de azur.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Azure and Bend sinister.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Pointed and rounded and Freehand.

Classification: Schema.

Bearer: Lauria, Roger de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Bartholomew de Yattendon

Gyronny Argent and Sable.

Bartholomew de Yattendon ~ Bartholomeu de Loctringdene.

Gyronny Argent and Sable.

Jironado de plata y sable.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 88] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 88].

Blazon keywords: Gyronny, Argent and Sable.

Style keywords: Pointed, Plain tincture, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Bartolomé de Yattendon.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Benedict XII

Argent, a bordure Gules.

197th Pope of the Church, from 1334 to 1342. «Benedictus XII», born Jacques Fournier, was born in Saverdun, in the south of Occitania.

Argent, a bordure Gules.

Escudo de plata, una bordura de gules.

Papal coat of arms interpreted with: a round-topped shield; the field in plain Argent; the bordure outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules; and the whole design in raised outline.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, One, Bordure and Gules.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Religious and Papal States.

Bearer: Benedict XII.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Benedict XIV

Or, three pallets Gules.

247th Pope of the Church, from 1740 to 1758. «Benedictus XIV», named Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini, born in Bologna.

Or, three pallets Gules.

Escudo de oro, tres palos de gules.

Papal coat of arms interpreted with: a rounded mouth; the field in flat tincture of Or; the pales outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules enamel; and the whole with a raised stroke finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Three, Pale and Gules.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Religious and Papal States.

Bearer: Benedict XIV.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Bertrand de Blanchefort

Barry of four per pale counterchanged Or and Gules. Behind the shield a cross patty Gules.

Barry of four per pale counterchanged Or and Gules. Behind the shield a cross patty Gules.

The cross patty behind the shield has been diapered with Chinapieria.

Blazon keywords: Barry per pale counterchanged, Four, Or, Gules, Behind the shield, One, Cross patty and Cross couped.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated, Freehand, Diapered and Chinapieria.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Blanchefort, Bertrand de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Boteler of Warrington

Azure, a bend between six covered cups Or.

Azure, a bend between six covered cups Or.

Escudo de azur, una banda acompañada de seis copas todo de oro.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

Around 1155, Beatrix de Villers married Richard le Boteler Pincerna, who became the 4th Baron of Warrington. The heir of Beatrix and Richard took the surname «le Boteler» and ruled the Warrington region, bearing arms Azure, a bend between six covered cups Or.

In Castilian, a «copa» has a lid and is referred to as a «covered cup» in English. When it doesn't have a lid, it's called a «cup» in English and a «cáliz» or «copón» in Castilian, the latter being a less preferred term for me. In English, the term «chalice» is also used, especially if it's adorned with gemstones, although that's more of an artistic license.

Naipes Heraclio Fournier is a renowned Spanish playing card manufacturer based in Villareal de Álava. The countless hours I have spent holding its cards in my hands are incalculable, whether playing with friends, opponents, or performing magic tricks. Its influence on my heraldic artwork is significant. For instance, in this covered cup.

The following image shows my covered cup and my two interpretations of his arms: 1) the most commonly viewed, and 2) my alternative layout.

The most commonly viewed and my alternative layout.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, One, Bend, Between, Six, Covered cup and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted and Kingdom of England.

Bearer: Boteler of Warrington.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

BPAC II, su cálculo de las barras

Bendy sinister of seven.

My approach to the method of drawing the bends used by the Spanish Army for the BPAC II coat of arms

Bendy sinister of seven.

Escudo, tres barras.

Note that if the classic width were used for the bends, which is 1/3 of the shield's width, then the bends would cover almost the entire field.

The vertical axis of symmetry has been extended above the chief and below the base, and has been divided into segments of 1/4 of the shield's height, «h» in the diagram that illustrates this article. At the ends of these segments, parallel lines have been drawn to the bend sinister diagonal of the shield. Since the shield has a 5x6 proportion, the angle of inclination of these diagonals is 50.2o..

Blazon keywords: Without divisions and Bend sinister.

Style keywords: Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Schema and Military.

Bearer: BPAC II.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Brim-DeForest, Brady

Party per chevron Gules and Argent, two Acorns slipped Or and in base a Fleur de lis Azure.

Party per chevron Gules and Argent, two Acorns slipped Or and in base a Fleur de lis Azure.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

This coat of arms was granted by the Court of the Lord Lyon, in Scotland, in 2018. In the original blazon the term «Leaved» ~ «Hojado» does not appear, although sometimes, by default, acorns paint them leaved. I have painted so, in this case, following the instructions of the bearer. Although, in my version of this blazon in Castilian I have wrote «hojadas» to avoid possible doubts of the Castilian readers.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Party per chevron, Argent, In chief, Two, Acorn, Slipped, Leaved, Or, In base, One, Fleur de lis and Azure.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Brim-DeForest, Brady.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Calatrava, Order of

Order of Calatrava, emblem

The Order of Chivalry of Calatrava is both military and religious, founded in the Kingdom of Castile during the 12th century by Abbot Raymond of Fitero.

The purpose of its foundation was the protection of the town of Calatrava la Vieja, which currently belongs to the municipality of Carrión de Calatrava in Ciudad Real. At the time of the order's foundation, it was an important city, in the middle valley of the river Guadiana and with a strategic position, as it was a necessary passage on the road from Toledo to Córdoba to Toledo and between the west and east of the Iberian Peninsula.

On the origin and antiquity of the Military Order of Calatrava, and the form of its Commandery

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter IV, pages 334] writes «The Military Order of Calatrava was instituted by Don Sancho III, King of Castile (called the Desired), in the year 1158, while he was visiting his Kingdom; and being in Toledo with news of the great army that the Moors were gathering to besiege Calatrava la Vieja (which is called so today to distinguish it from the new one, which was founded later); and as the Templars, to whom this Fortress belonged, did not have sufficient power to resist such a large multitude, they handed it over to King Don Sancho himself so that he could take charge of it, as he did».

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter IV, page 335] continues by telling us «The Abbot of Santa María de Fitero», near the river Pisuerga as he will indicate next, «of the Congregation of Cistercian, in the Bishopric of Palencia (which is a Monastery of St. Bernard, located on the river Pisuerga), named Don Raymond, and Friar Diego Velazquez, his subject Monk, who followed the Court, despite the difficulty of the enterprise, requested it from the King to defend it, which was granted, trusting in the virtue of the Abbot, and the strength of the Monk, who had previously been a great Knight in deeds of Arms, and very practiced in war».

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter IV, page 336] continues «Seeing themselves in such an obligation, and that by themselves they could not fulfill it, they turned to Archbishop Don Juan (who was the fourth of Toledo) for help; and he, granting many indulgences in all his Archbishopric to those who, for themselves and for others, supplied the Place with provisions, in the same way as those who, unable to go due to old age or illness, helped with weapons, horses, and men; and having spread this news, so much help came to them, that when the Moors learned that the number of people exceeded twenty thousand men, they abandoned the conquest, returning to their homes: for this reason, the King ceded the Town of Calatrava to the Abbot of Fitero, and his successors, to defend it from the Moors from then on, confirmed later by King Alfonso IX, his son».

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter IV, page 337] concludes «Having obtained this grace, Abbot Don Raymond brought the most suitable Monks from Fitero to Calatrava, and everything else that was necessary for living and for the defense of the Town and its land, which with the people inclined to war who remained, formed the Order of Chivalry of Calatrava, taking this name from the place where the institution was made, which in Arabic Calatrava means Castle».

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Religious, Military, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Emblem, Cross of Calatrava, Cross couped and Cross.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Carmen Giaimo di Prizzi, crown of baroness

Party per pale: 1 Vert, a Castle triple-towered Argent; 2 Gules, two bezants in pale Or. For crest a crown of baroness.

Party per pale: 1 Vert, a Castle triple-towered Argent; 2 Gules, two bezants in pale Or. For crest a crown of baroness.

I have interpreted this coat of arms with a semi-circular shape; tintures or, argent, vert and gules; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Vert, One, Castle, Argent, Gules, Two, Bezant and plate, Bezant, In pale and Crown.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Giaimo di Prizzi, Carmen.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Castilian castle

A Castle Or, triple towered, embattled, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable.

A Castle Or, triple towered, embattled, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable.

Un castillo de oro, aclarado de azur, mazonado de sable.

Some of the characteristics of the Castilian castle are specified in the coat of arms in English, for example, «triple towered, embattled», but they are omitted in the Spanish blason, because the Spanish blason considered that the Castilian castle can not be otherwise. These local characteristics, that decades ago were not necessary to specify, could begin to have to be in this global and interconnected heraldic world. [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2009a] describe the different characteristics between the Castilian, the French, and the English castles among others.

Blazon keywords: Castle, Or, Port and windows, Azure, Masoned and Sable.

Style keywords: Freehand.

Classification: Schema.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Cerda, Carlos de la

Quarterly: 1 Azure semé of fleurs de lis Or; 2 and 3 Gules, a castle triple towered Or, the port and windows Azure, masoned Sable; 4 Argent, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules, crowned Or.

Known in England and France as Charles of Spain ~ Charles d'Espagne.

Quarterly: 1 Azure semé of fleurs de lis Or; 2 and 3 Gules, a castle triple towered Or, the port and windows Azure, masoned Sable; 4 Argent, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules, crowned Or.

Coat of arms of Charles de la Cerda (1326-1354), this coat of arms also could be blazoned as «Quarterly: 1, Francia; 2 and 3, Castile; 4, Leon.».

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Azure, Semé, Fleur de lis, Or, Gules, Castle, Port and windows, Masoned, Sable, Argent, Lion, Purpure, Rampant, Armed, Langued, Crown and Crowned.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal, Army and Navy and Kingdom of France.

Bearer: Cerda, Carlos de la.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Clement XII

Bendy of six Gules and Argent; over all a fess Azure.

246th Pope of the Church, from 1730 to 1740. «Clemens XII», named Lorenzo Corsini, born in Florence and rests in St. John Lateran.

Bendy of six Gules and Argent; over all a fess Azure.

Escudo bandado de seis piezas de gules y plata; brochante sobre el todo una faja de azur.

Papal coat of arms interpreted with: a rounded mouth; the field in flat tincture of Argent; the fess and the bands outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules and Azure; and the whole with a textured finish.

All are ordinaries, including the three bands and the fess, and since the blazon specifies that the fess is overall on the bands, therefore, it is not the Gules bands that are overall on the Azure fess, and they should be painted underneath.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Bendy, Six, Gules, Argent, Surmounted, Overall (deprecated), One, Fess and Azure.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Religious and Papal States.

Bearer: Clement XII.

Separador heráldico

Colebrand, William de

Gules, three Swords Argent, erect, in fess.

Willame de Colebraund ~ William de Colebrand.

Gules, three Swords Argent, erect, in fess.

Escudo de gules, tres espadas de plata, alzadas, en faja.

Interpreted coat of arms with a free hand finish.

Coat of arms included in [Marshal, L.; 1295; coat of arms number 461], also in [Brault, G. J.; 1997], and time ago in Brian Timms, but not now.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Three, Sword, Argent, Point upwards and In fess.

Style keywords: Pointed, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Colebrand, William de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Craon, Robert de

Lozengy Or and Gules.

Lozengy Or and Gules.

Escudo losanjado oro y gules.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Lozengy, Or and Gules.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Craon, Robert de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Alena Rehberger

Or, a roe deer salient Gules, in base a triple mount Vert. Crest: Upon a helm affronty, with a wreath Or and Vert, two roe deers' attires barry of four Gules and Or. Mantling: Vert doubled Or..

Or, a roe deer salient Gules, in base a triple mount Vert. Crest: Upon a helm affronty, with a wreath Or and Vert, two roe deers' attires barry of four Gules and Or. Mantling: Vert doubled Or..


  • Stephan Urs Breu is the designer of the coat of arms.
  • Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Roe deer, Salient, Gules, In base, Trimount, Vert, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Two, Roe deers' attires, Barry and Four.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rehberger, Alena.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Austin Charles Berry

Vert, a chevron, between three cross-crosslets; on a chief Argent, three griffins statant Gules, beaked and armed Or. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin's head couped Gules, beaked Or. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent.

Vert, a chevron, between three cross-crosslets; on a chief Argent, three griffins statant Gules, beaked and armed Or. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin's head couped Gules, beaked Or. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent.

Blazon keywords: Vert, One, Chevron, Between, Three, Cross-crosslet, Cross couped, Chief, Argent, Griffin, Statant, Gules, Beaked, Armed, Or, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Head and Party per fess.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Berry, Austin Charles.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Guy Harold Power

Argent, two arrows points upwards in saltire Sable, barbed and feathered Gules, surmounted of a commando dagger point upwards in pale Gules, hilted and pommelled Sable; on a chief indented Sable, a label of three points Or. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Sable, a demi-man proper, wearing a beret Vert, grasping in his dexter hand a commando dagger point upwards Or, hilted and pommelled Sable. Mantling: Sable doubled Argent.

Argent, two arrows points upwards in saltire Sable, barbed and feathered Gules, surmounted of a commando dagger point upwards in pale Gules, hilted and pommelled Sable; on a chief indented Sable, a label of three points Or. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Sable, a demi-man proper, wearing a beret Vert, grasping in his dexter hand a commando dagger point upwards Or, hilted and pommelled Sable. Mantling: Sable doubled Argent.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Two, Arrow, Point upwards, In saltire, Sable, Barbed, Feathered, Gules, Surmounted, One, Dagger, In pale, Hilted, Pommelled, Chief, Indented, Label of three points, Or, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Male figure, Demi, Proper, Beret, Vert, Grasping, Hand and Dexter.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Power, Guy Harold.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Rick Kasparek

Sanguine, a lion rampant, double queued Argent, tufted Or and langued Gules holding in its paws by the bows three keys fesswise bows interlaced wards to dexter facing downwards Or, in chief a mullet of eight points Or; all within a tressure Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin segreant Argent langued Gules, beaked, armed, winged and tufted Or, supporting in its talons a rose Or, slipped and leaved proper.

Sanguine, a lion rampant, double queued Argent, tufted Or and langued Gules holding in its paws by the bows three keys fesswise bows interlaced wards to dexter facing downwards Or, in chief a mullet of eight points Or; all within a tressure Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin segreant Argent langued Gules, beaked, armed, winged and tufted Or, supporting in its talons a rose Or, slipped and leaved proper.

Arms emblazoned by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Crest and coat of arms of Rick Kasparek emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Sanguine, Argent, Or, Gules, One, Three, Eight, Lion, Rampant, Double queued, Tufted, Langued, Grasping, Paw, Key, Fesswise, Interlaced, In chief, Mullet, Tressure, Crest, Upon (wreath), Wreath, Griffin, Segreant, Beaked, Armed, Winged, Talons, Rose, Slipped, Leaved and Proper.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Kasparek, Rick.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest, mantling and motto of Ignacio Pérez de Bartolome

Gules, a lion rampant Or, charged with a pallet gemel chequey Argent and Sable. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or and Gules, a demi-dragon Or, supporting with its sinister a goldfinch speaking proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Motto: «Quem Timebo» depicted as Sable with initial letters Gules over a scroll Argent.

Gules, a lion rampant Or, charged with a pallet gemel chequey Argent and Sable. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or and Gules, a demi-dragon Or, supporting with its sinister a goldfinch speaking proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Motto: «Quem Timebo» depicted as Sable with initial letters Gules over a scroll Argent.

Coat of arms devised by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, Argent, Sable, One, Lion, Rampant, Charged, Pallet, Gemel, Chequey, Crest and mantling, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Demi, Dragon, Perched, Sinister, Goldfinch, Speaking, Proper, Mantling and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Pérez de Bartolome, Ignacio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Cross potent, cross moline, and cross of Jerusalem, comparison

Sketch366 16 Cruz Potenzada Ancorada Jerusalen jpg

A Gules and Or comparison between cross potent, cross moline, and cross of Jerusalem

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, Cross potent, Cross couped, Cross moline, Cross of Jerusalem and Cross.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Schema.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Drawing the arcs of a pointed coat of arms

Dexter arc, drawing the arcs of a pointed coat of arms

There are several methods to draw a pointed coat of arms, for example, the method of [The Heraldry Society; 2013; page 7]. There are also several pointed coat of arms with the ratio 5/6 between its width b and its height h.

The previous illustation shows my method to draw a 5/6 pointed coat of arms. The center Cd of the dexter arc is 17h/36 = 17b/30 from the top of the shield and its radious is 13h/24 = 13b/20, or what is the same, its diameter is 13h/12 = 13b/10.

The position of the Cs of the sinister arc and its construction is symmetric to the dexter arc with respect to the vertical axis, as shown in the following illustration.

Sinister arc, drawing the arcs of a pointed coat of arms

Style keywords: Freehand and Pointed.

Classification: Schema.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Dubai Office of the European Chamber of Digital Commerce

Or, an atom triple-orbited Gules; on a chief Gules, a falcon displayed and jessed Or

Or, an atom triple-orbited Gules; on a chief Gules, a falcon displayed and jessed Or

Illuminated and a watercolor finishing.

Jessed means with jesses, the thongs by which bells are fastened to the legs of a falcon.

The falcon use to be belled and jessed, with bells and leather strips on the legs. The attributes used to be citted in the blazon when its tincture is different that the main element to which it belongs. In this case, its leather strips are Or, the same tincture than the falcon Or, but I decided to blazoned it «a falcon displayed and jessed Or» to denote jessed but not belled.

Other falcons are also hooded.

Credits: Rudolf Juchter van Bergen Quast is the designer of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Atom, Three, Orbital, Gules, Chief, Falcon and Jessed.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Emirate of Dubai and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Dubai Office of the European Chamber of Digital Commerce.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Emblem of the Society of Heraldic Arts

Emblem, an inescutcheon, enflamed in orle of sixteen points and irradiated throughout of sixty-four lines Gules.

Emblem, an inescutcheon, enflamed in orle of sixteen points and irradiated throughout of sixty-four lines Gules.

Emblema, un escusón, llameante en orla de Dieciséis llamas y radiante de sesenta y cuatro líneas movientes todo de gules.

Its focus on heraldic art, along with its foundation in 1987, makes it a pioneering institution in this field on a global scale.

The Society of Heraldic Arts enjoys significant international recognition among heraldic artists, designers, and craftsmen, and its website is

Its members cover the full range of activities within heraldry for individuals, personal heraldry, public and private entities, socioeconomic heraldry, as well as municipalities, regions, etc., governance heraldry.

The Society of Heraldic Arts used to publish a quarterly magazine called «The Heraldic Craftsman», which was sent to all its members, but it is no longer in publication. The Society also provides advice on the correct use of heraldry to enhance corporate and personal identity.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Illuminated, Freehand, Semi-circular, Emblem, Gules, Inescutcheon, Enflamed, In orle, Sixteen, Flame, Irradiated, Sixty-four, Line and Throughout (all sides).

Root: Society of Heraldic Arts.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

España Herranz, Angel

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Escudo partido de gules y sinople, brochante sobre el todo un cabrio ondado de oro acompañado de dos bezantes en palo de plata.

Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, and with a freehand finishing.

Design rationale

The first quarter of Gules with the dexter of the chevron Or are España, his surname. In the second quarter, the Vert is the green, the wavy chevron Or a bunker, and the two plates represent a ball and a hole of golf, his passion.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Vert, Or, Argent, One, Two, Party per pale, Overall, Chevron, Wavy, Between, Plate and In pale.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: España Herranz, Angel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Fabian Coulot

Or, two mullets of six points pierced in fess Gules; in chief a sabre fesswise Sable. Motto: «Curae virtus est».

Or, two mullets of six points pierced in fess Gules; in chief a sabre fesswise Sable. Motto: «Curae virtus est».

Blazon keywords: Or, Two, Mullet of six points pierced, In fess, Gules, In chief, One, Sabre, Fesswise, Sable and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Latin language.

Bearer: Coulot, Fabian.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Family of Milos Dukat, structured and parallel blazons

Coat of arms of the family of Milos Dukat from Czechia and the Basque Country, designed by them and me, and emblazoned by me, with the blazon written in English and Spanish in a structured way to observe the parallelism between both forms.

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall in chief two lions rampant, double queued Argent, armed, langued and crowned Or, and in base upon three wavy bars Argent, a ship Or, in full sail Argent. Escudo partido de azur y gules, sobre el todo en jefe dos leones rampantes, de cola horquillada de plata, armados, lampasados y coronados de oro, y en punta un barco de oro, con velas de plata, sostenido por tres burelas ondadas de plata. Structured and parallel blazon

Blazon keywords: Azure, Gules, Argent, Or, One, Two, Three, Party per pale, Overall, In chief, Lion, Rampant, Double queued, Armed, Langued, Crowned, In base, Upon, Wavy, Bar, Ship and Full sail.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Structured and parallel blazons, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Dukat, family of Milos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Five hurts and five pommes

Riddle369 32 Hurts Pommes Question jpg

Transform the blazon «Or» into «Or, five Pommes in saltire» and the blazon «Argent» into «Argent, five Hurts in saltire» moving the pommes and hurts through both metals, without breaking the rule of tinctures.

You can change one charge by another one, but only once.

For example, if you change «Sable, a Bend Argent» by «Sable, a Pale Argent», then the Pommes can arrive to «Or» blazon. However, this is not a solution, because the Hurts cannot walk to «Argent» blazon.

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Pointed and rounded, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Or, Argent, Vert, Azure, Gules, Sable, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Hurt, Pomme, In saltire, Fess, Saltire, Bend sinister, Cross, Pale and Bend.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Five hurts and five pommes, solution

Riddle369 33 Hurts Pommes Answer jpg

For example, if you change «Azure, a Cross Argent» by «Azure, a Pall Argent», then the Pommes can arrive to «Or» blazon and the Hurts can arrive to «Argent» blazon. You can view both paths azure and vert in the following image.

Riddle369 35 Hurts Pommes Path Arrows jpg

Other solution is to change «Azure, a Cross Argent» by «Azure, a Bordure Argent».

Categories: Riddle solution, Pointed and rounded, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Or, Argent, Vert, Azure, Gules, Sable, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Hurt, Pomme, In saltire, Fess, Saltire, Bend sinister, Cross, Pale, Bend and Pall.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Francisco Javier Lasuncion Patus, schema 2x4

Gules, three lozenges Or; a bordure lozengy Gules and Or.

Gules, three lozenges Or; a bordure lozengy Gules and Or.

Schema for the design of the coat of arms of Javier Lasuncion Patus. There are only 2 different blazons, one in each row, because the difference between the columns is only in the lights and shadows. Blazon of the first row: Gules, three lozenges Or; a bordure lozengy Or and Gules.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, One, Three, Lozenge and Lozengy.

Style keywords: Ratio, Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Schema, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lasuncion Patus, Francisco Javier.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Globe, Richard

Sanguine semy of nails Or.

Sanguine semy of nails Or.

Escudo de sanguíneo sembrado de clavos de oro.

Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Sanguine, Semé, Nail and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Pointed.

Classification: Interpreted and Kingdom of Denmark.

Bearer: Globe, Richard.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Grzeszkowiak, Tomasz Arkadiusz

Gules, a base enarched Vert, overall a cross patty fitchy Or, piercing in base the head of a serpent nowed and facing sinister Sable, langued Gules.

Gules, a base enarched Vert, overall a cross patty fitchy Or, piercing in base the head of a serpent nowed and facing sinister Sable, langued Gules.

I have interpreted this coat of arms with a semi-circular shape; tintures or, sable, vert and gules; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

In Polish heraldic tradition the color Sable can be over other colors, the color Vert in this case. The following bibliographical references can be consulted about the Polish use of the color Sable over other colors:

  • [Bakala, K.; 2010; page 17] has written «nie pozwala nakladania metalu na metal, a barwy na barwe, za wyjatkiem barwy czarnej i purpurowej» ~ «does not allow to put metal on metal and color on color, except the color Sable and Purpure», notice that Sable and Purpure are the neutral colors whilst Gules, Azure and Vert are energetic colors.
  • [Marecki, J.; 2012; page 67] has written about the rule of colors and metals «wyjatkiem byla czern, która laczono zarówno z metalami, jak i z innymi barwami» ~ «the exception was black, which was combined with both metals and other colors».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, One, Mount, Vert, Issuant from base, Overall, Cross patty fitchy, Cross couped, Piercing, Head, Serpent, Nowed, Facing sinister, Sable and Langued.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Grzeszkowiak, Tomasz Arkadiusz.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a lozenge shape, illuminated, and with a free hand finishing.

G0084, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen's arms, whose full achievement has been emblazoned by me for such grant.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Gules, One, Bend sinister, Or, In base, Triangle, Argent, Charged, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart enflamed, Heart, Enflamed, Proper, Overall, Inescutcheon, Bend, Azure, Five, Fusil, Palewise, Doe, Sejant, Above, Fleur de lis, Surrounded, Twelve, Mullet, In orle, Crest and mantling, Crown of Noble, Crown, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand and Rhombus.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Latin language and Doctor.

Bearer: Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen, Heidi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Áncora de oro y la divisa enlace.

Heraldic blog of David B. Appleton

David B. Appleton, his armorial coat of arms, canting arms

Appleton Studios

David B. Appleton studies, researches, teaches, and writes about heraldry, and through his blog, he shares his heraldic knowledge with us, as well as through publications and presentations.

David B. Appleton is open to questions from his readers and provides advice on heraldic topics in which he specializes.

His blog is and his website is, from which he offers his services related to the world of heraldry, its dissemination, and knowledge.

Since 2009, David B. Appleton's heraldic blog has been an endless source of knowledge, images, ideas, curiosities, original reflections, and links to heraldic sites selected by him.

Heraldry: Musing on an esoteric topic

David B. Appleton stands out for his continuous analysis of all types of heraldic manifestations, which he finds everywhere, in the world we live in: from those we have inherited from ancient times to the fiercely current, from books to cinema, from fashionable clothing to urban furniture, from east to west and north to south, including those that appear in logos and emblems, those using traditional techniques and those created or disseminated through new technologies, on ships, sports cars, and airplanes, on porcelain, facades, and stained glass, on television, on t-shirts and coins, in auctions and universities, in comics and sports, etc. with a systematic publication rhythm, more than 2 posts per week, nothing heraldic escapes the record and genuine analysis of David B. Appleton on, which I highly recommend.

Categories: Link, Interpreted, Personal, Coat of arms, Without divisions, Freehand, Soft metal, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Canting, Heraldry and heralds, Argent, Azure, Gules, Vert, Chevronel, Between, Apple, Slipped and Leaved.

External links:

Root: Appleton, David B..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Hérail, Gilbert

Argent, a cross Azure.

Argent, a cross Azure.

Escudo de plata, una cruz de azur.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Argent, One, Cross and Azure.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Hérail, Gilbert.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

ISCH Certification for Manel González López

GonzalezLopezM 24 Isch Certification 161 jpg

The Commoners' Certification of Arms for Manel Gonzalez Lopez with his coat of arms emblazoned by me.

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Gules, a Castle triple towered Or, port, windows and masoned Sable; 2 and 3 Or, thirteen Torteaus, three, three, three, three, and one.

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Gules, One, Castle, Or, Port and windows, Masoned, Sable, Thirteen and Torteau.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Certification.

Bearer: González López, Manel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Azure, a Menorah between two olive branches Argent; in base the legend <br /> «ישראל» Argent.


Azure, a Menorah between two olive branches Argent; in base the legend
«ישראל» Argent.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a rounded and pointed shape; illuminated with metal argent and color azur; outlined with sable; and a Watercolor finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, One, Menorah, Argent, Accosted, Two, Branch, Olive tree and Motto (identification).

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Israel.

Bearer: Israel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Or, a cross of Calatrava.

Coat of arms of the municipality of Jamilena, province of Jaén.

Or, a cross of Calatrava.

Escudo de oro, una cruz de Calatrava.

Coat of arms interpreted as follows: the shield's shape is a semicircular arch; the field is illuminated in metal Or; the cross of Calatrava is outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules; and the entire piece has a rough line finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Cross of Calatrava, Cross couped and Cross.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Civic and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Jamilena.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Javier Fernández-Cortés y Fonseca, motto and commander

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Azure, five Bezants in saltire; 2 and 3 Or, three hearts Gules ordered. Crest: Upon a Helm Argent with a Wreath Or and Azure a Lion rampant Or, langued and armed Gules. Mantling: Azure doubled Or. Suspended from the base the badge of commander of the Hermandad Nacional Monárquica de España. Lema: «Tan fuerte como valiente y leal es Cortés».

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Azure, five Bezants in saltire; 2 and 3 Or, three hearts Gules ordered. Crest: Upon a Helm Argent with a Wreath Or and Azure a Lion rampant Or, langued and armed Gules. Mantling: Azure doubled Or. Suspended from the base the badge of commander of the Hermandad Nacional Monárquica de España. Lema: «Tan fuerte como valiente y leal es Cortés».

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Azure, Five, Bezant, Bezant and plate, In saltire, Or, Three, Heart, Gules, Ordered, Crest and mantling, Helm, Argent, Mantling, Wreath, Lion, Rampant, Langued, Armed, Suspended, Base (lower 1/3), Decoration and Motto.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Fernández-Cortés y Fonseca, Javier.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Joan de Okinton

Or, three cinquefoils Gules.

John de Octon ~ Joan de Okinton.

Or, three cinquefoils Gules.

Escudo de oro, tres quinquefolios de gules.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 620] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 620].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Three, Cinquefoil, Gules and Ordered.

Style keywords: Triangular curved, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Juan de Octon.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

John XXI

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, three crescents Gules; 2 and 3 Sable, two pallets Or.

187th Pope of the Church, from 1276 to 1277. «Johannes XXI», born Pedro Julião, also known as Pedro Hispano, born in Lisbon, Portugal.

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, three crescents Gules; 2 and 3 Sable, two pallets Or.

Escudo cuartelado: 1o y 4o de plata, tres crecientes de gules; 2o y 3o de sable, dos palos de oro.

Coat of arms with: a shield with a pointed and rounded top; the field in plain Argent and Sable; the figures outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules and Or; and the whole in an elevated line style.

John XXI should have actually been John XX, but Cardinal Pedro Julião, upon being elected pope, decided to skip the number XX and called himself John XXI, with the aim of correcting what was believed to be a historical error, which in the end was not so.

This historical error consisted of the belief in the existence of 2 popes named John XIV, as seemed to be deduced from the records of the «Liber Pontificalis». They were therefore referred to as: the 1st John XIV and the 2nd John XIV bis.

By skipping the number XX, John XXI believed he was correcting this historical error. But the reality is that there was only one Pope John XIV, the same pope with 2 entries in the «Liber Pontificalis», the 1st entry during the time of his pontificate in freedom and the 2nd entry for the time he exercised his pontificate in prison, imprisoned by his enemy, the so-called «antipope» Boniface VII, who, in turn, managed to occupy the papal throne twice, separated by a decade, in 974 and in 984, somewhat like a double «antipope».

Therefore, John XXI, instead of correcting a historical error, made one, and for this reason, there is no Pope John XX in all of history, nor can there ever be one.

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Argent, Three, Crescent, Gules, Ordered, Sable, Two, Pale and Or.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Religious and Papal States.

Bearer: John XXI.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Juan Lanzagorta Vallín

Argent masoned Sable, a chevron Azure, in chief a wolf and a she-wolf combatant Sable. Motto: «Errukia justizia eta ekitatea!».

Argent masoned Sable, a chevron Azure, in chief a wolf and a she-wolf combatant Sable. Motto: «Errukia justizia eta ekitatea!».

Escudo de plata mazonado de sable, un cabrio de azur, en jefe un lobo y una loba afrontados de sable. Lema: «Errukia justizia eta ekitatea!».

Coat of arms interpreted by me, outlined in Sable, with an ogee external shape and with a freehand finish.

Coat of arms of Juan Lanzagorta Vallin designed by him and emblazoned by me. I have never painted a field masoned sable. The chevron Azure symbolizes the firmament seen through an open hole in the masoned wall, like a window open to the sky.

Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Sable, One, Two, Masoned, Chevron, In chief, Wolf, She-wolf, Combatant and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lanzagorta Vallín, Juan.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Juchter van Bergen Quast, Rudolph Andries Ulrich

Gules, three Leopards faces Or, the whole within a Border Or with two Bars Gules.

Gules, three Leopards faces Or, the whole within a Border Or with two Bars Gules.

Escudo de gules, tres cabezas de leopardo de oro; una bordura de oro con dos burelas de gules.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a pointed shape; illuminated with metal or and color gules; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Three, Head, Leopard, Or, Ordered, Bordure, Two and Bar.

Style keywords: Freehand, Pointed, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Juchter van Bergen Quast, Rudolph Andries Ulrich.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Kingdom of Jerusalem

Argent, a cross potent cantoned of four crosslets potent Or.

Metal Or over metal Argent.

Argent, a cross potent cantoned of four crosslets potent Or.

Escudo de plata, una cruz potenzada cantonada de cuatro cruces potenzadas todas de oro.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

Perhaps the most classic example of non-compliance with the heraldic rule of tinctures having metal Or over metal Argent. In [Galdiano L.; Century XVII; folio 6], you can see a version of the arms of Jerusalem with the field in Gules, which would indeed follow the rule of tinctures as it is metal on color.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, One, Cross potent, Cross couped, Cantoned, Four and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Metal on metal.

Classification: Interpreted and Civic.

Bearer: Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Laydin, lineage

Azure, five flies in saltire Or.

Azure, five flies in saltire Or.

Escudo de azur, cinco moscas puestas en sotuer de oro.

Arms painted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finish.

This is the coat of arms of the lineage Laydin emblazoned by me, as described in [Cadenas y Vicent, V. de; 1987; page 989], whose blazon is equivalent to that of the Zendreros lineage, also described in [Cadenas y Vicent, V. de; 1987; page 1941].

Blazon keywords: Azure, Or, Five, Fly and In saltire.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Laydin, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Lazaro of Aragon, lineage

Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, masoned Sable, issuant from its port a dragon passant Vert, in chief a pelican in her piety Argent, vulned Gules.

Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, masoned Sable, issuant from its port a dragon passant Vert, in chief a pelican in her piety Argent, vulned Gules.

Escudo de gules, un castillo de oro, mazonado de sable y saliendo por su puerta un dragón pasante de sinople, en jefe un pelícano desplegado de plata, la piedad de gules.

Coat of arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Ancient arms of the lineage Lazaro of Aragon emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, Vert, Argent, One, Castle, Triple-towered, Masoned, Issuant (port), Dragon, Passant, In chief, Pelican in her piety and Pelican.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lazaro of Aragon, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Lineage Peraza of Cantabria, structured and parallel blazons

Ancient arms of the lineage Peraza of Cantabria emblazoned by me, with the blazon written in English and Spanish in a structured way to observe the parallelism between both forms.

Or, a holm oak eradicated Vert, fructed Or, in front of its trunk two boars passant, in pale Sable. Escudo de oro, una encina arrancada de sinople, frutada de oro, atravesados a su tronco dos jabalíes pasantes, en palo de sable. Structured and parallel blazon

Blazon keywords: Or, Vert, Sable, Holm oak, Eradicated, Fructed, In front (tree), Trunk, Boar, Passant and In pale.

Style keywords: Outlined in the field tincture, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Structured and parallel blazons, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Peraza of Cantabria, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Lucca de Anaya, Nilda Ernestina

Azure, a chevron Or, between in chief a cross potent cantoned of crosslets, and a lion rampant, and in base a Celtic Trinity knot Argent.

Azure, a chevron Or, between in chief a cross potent cantoned of crosslets, and a lion rampant, and in base a Celtic Trinity knot Argent.

Escudo de azur, un cabrio de oro, acompañado en jefe de una cruz potenzada cantonada de cuatro cruces, y un león rampante, en punta de un nudo celta de la Trinidad, todo de plata.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.


  • Ernesto Juan Anaya is the designer of the coat of arms.
  • Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Azure, One, Chevron, Or, Between, In chief, Cross of Jerusalem, Cross couped, Cross potent, Cantoned, Four, Crosslet, Lion, Rampant, In base, Celtic Trinity knot, Knot, Celtic and Trinity.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lucca de Anaya, Nilda Ernestina.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Martin S. J. Goldstraw, tartan 3x3

Argent, on a chevron Gules three feathers Argent, between three swords erect Gules. Motto: «Ab Initio Goostrey».

Argent, on a chevron Gules three feathers Argent, between three swords erect Gules. Motto: «Ab Initio Goostrey».

This is the coat of arms of Martin Goldstraw emblazoned by me over his family tartan. This tartan was designed by Don Smith and is registered in the Scottish Register of Tartans, 2002.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Gules, Chevron, Charged, Sword, Point upwards, Ordered, Between, Quill and Motto.

Style keywords: Rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal, Cheshire County and Tartan.

Bearer: Goldstraw, Martin S. J..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Molay, Jacques de

Azure, a bend Or.

Azure, a bend Or.

Escudo de azur, una banda de oro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, One, Bend and Or.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Molay, Jacques de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Montbard, André de

Azure, two barbels addorsed Argent.

Azure, two barbels addorsed Argent.

Escudo de azur, dos barbos adosados de plata.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Two, Barbel, Addorsed and Argent.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Montbard, André de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Montesa, Cavalry Regiment

Or, a cross of Montesa.

Coat of arms of the Armored Cavalry Regiment Montesa No. 3, RCAC-3, in 2016.

Or, a cross of Montesa.

Escudo de oro, una cruz de Montesa.

Coat of arms interpreted as follows: the shape of the shield is a semi-circular arch; the field has been illuminated in metal Or; the cross of Montesa is outlined in Sable and illuminated in Gules and Sable; and the whole has a raised line finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Cross of Montesa, Cross couped and Cross.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Military, Army and Navy and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Montesa, Cavalry Regiment.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Montesa, Order of

Order of Montesa, emblem

The Order of Saint Mary of Montesa and Saint George of Alfama, known as the Order of Montesa, was founded in the 14th century by the King of Aragon, James, as a military and religious order, to which he donated a castle in Valencia from which they took their name.

To endow the new Order of Montesa, the assets of the Order of the Templars, dissolved by Pope Clement V, were used. This is recounted by [Avilés, J.; 1780b; page 342] writing that Montesa was created «from the incomes and ruin of the Templars; as their Order was being extinguished, at the request of the Kings, so that said incomes would not leave the Kingdom.».

The order established within the Castle of Montesa, which previously belonged to the Templars, their convent and church of the Order, the palace of their Master, their barracks for fighting men, being able to form up to a couple of thousand of them in their parade ground. Their first Master, for 70 days since he died just over two months after his appointment, was Guillermo de Eril.

The origin and antiquity of the Military Order of Montesa, and the form of its Encomienda.

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter VI, page 341] describes it as follows «The Military Order of Montesa was instituted in the year 1317 by the King of Aragon, Don Jaime II, and confirmed in the same year by Pope John XXII.».

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Religious, Military, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Emblem, Cross of Montesa, Cross couped and Cross.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Nicholas Malmains

Gules, three dexter hands turned up, and appaumée Ermine.

Nicolás Malmains ~ Nicholas Malmains ~ Nicol Malemeins.

Gules, three dexter hands turned up, and appaumée Ermine.

Escudo de gules, tres manos diestras levantadas y apalpadas de armiños.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 622] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 622].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Three, Hand, Dexter, Ermine, Turned up, Appaumée and Ordered.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Nicolás Malmains.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Norsk Heraldisk Forening, coat of arms

Gules, two axes addorsed Argent, hafted Or, issuant from the base; overall, at the nombril, an escutcheon Or.

Gules, two axes addorsed Argent, hafted Or, issuant from the base; overall, at the nombril, an escutcheon Or.

Escudo de gules, dos hachas adosadas de plata, fustadas de oro, movientes de la punta; brochante sobre el todo, en el ombligo, un escudete de oro.

Interpretation I have made with the following characteristics: the escutcheon is semicircular, in the classic Castilian style; its field is illuminated with the tincture gules; its 2 axes and escutcheon are outlined in sable and illuminated with the metal Or, and the axe heads in Argent; and the execution is in a raised line style.

Hafted or shated

The term «hafted» in English is specifically used for weapons with handles, such as axes and hammers. This refers to the part of the weapon where the user grips, which is typically made of wood or metal and is essential for wielding the weapon effectively. The haft is integral to the weapon's function, providing the necessary leverage and control during use.

On the other hand, «shafted» is a term used in English for weapons with a shaft, which is a longer, slender part of the weapon, as seen in spears, arrows, and sometimes in lances. The shaft is usually the primary structural component, providing the length and reach, while also serving as the backbone of the weapon.

In both cases, the term indicates that this part of the weapon is of a different tincture from the rest of the figure.

In Castilian, however, both «hafted» and «shafted» translate to «fustadas», which broadly refers to a similar concept where the handle or shaft is of a different color than the head or blade.

Then, I prefer using «hafted» when referring to axes and hammers due to the specificity of the term in English.

This contrasts with the term «guarnezidas» ~ «hilted», which is used for swords, indicating a different color for the guard or hilt, rather than for the shaft or handle.

Addorsed, back to back

For the arrangement of the axes in relation to each other, the one on the dexter facing dexter, the one on the sinister facing sinister, I use the term «addorsed» as it is the most common, but I previously used «back to back», which is said of «two animals, rampant, with their backs against each other, each facing the opposite flank. Two keys are also described as back to back when they are positioned with the bits outward, each to its side; the same applies to sickles, or scythes and generally to all long objects that have two faces, like two axes...» [Avilés, J.; 1780a; page 98], this being the case for the axes in this shield.

«Dalla» is a synonym for «scythe» used in and originating from Aragon and Navarra, [Real Academia Española; 2001].

In the English blazon, «adosadas», «de espaldas», is rendered as «addorsed», from the French «adossé», which is said, for example, when «two animals turned back to back» and some also use «endorsed».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Axe, Argent, Hafted, Or, Addorsed, Issuant from base, Overall, At the nombril and Escutcheon.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Socioeconomic and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Norsk Heraldisk Forening.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ormazabal of the Basque Country, lineage

Or, a tower Gules, embattled, masoned and with a turret Sable.

Or, a tower Gules, embattled, masoned and with a turret Sable.

Escudo de oro, una torre de gules, almenada, mazonada y donjonada de sable.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Ancient arms of the lineage Ormazabal of the Basque Country emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Or, Gules, Sable, One, Tower, Embattled, Masoned and With a turret.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Ormazabal of the Basque Country, lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Oschoven of the Rhin

Argent, in chief a mullet of six points Gules, between two flanches Sable

Argent, in chief a mullet of six points Gules, between two flanches Sable

«Oschoven au Rhein» in the book [Menestrier, C. F.; 1659; page 315], it is blazoned «d'argent flanqué arrondi de sable à vne molette de mesme en chef», so the mullet would be Sable, bacause «de mesme» is written, and with a hole in the middle, this hole does not exits in other sources.

In the book [Rietstap, J. B.; 1861], it is blazoned «Argent, flanched in round Sable, Argent charged in chief of a mullet Gules», and in French «d'argent, flanqué en rond de sable, l'argent chargé en chef d'une étoile de gueules».

Blazon keywords: Argent, Sable, Gules, Mullet, Chief, Flanched and Arched.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Oschoven of the Rhin.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Quartered arms of Bernard de Tremelay

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Or, a chief Gules

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Or, a chief Gules

Escudo cuartelado: 1o y 4o de plata, una cruz patada de gules; 2o y 3o de de oro, un jefe de gules.

Blazon keywords: Or, Chief, Gules, Quarterly, Argent, One, Cross patty and Cross couped.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Tremelay, Bernard de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Quartered arms of Renaud de Vichiers

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Vair

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Vair

Escudo cuartelado: 1o y 4o de plata, una cruz patada de gules; 2o y 3o de de veros.

Blazon keywords: Vair, Quarterly, Argent, One, Cross patty, Cross couped and Gules.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Vichiers, Renaud de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Quartered arms of Richard de Bures

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Or, six annulets Gules, 3, 2, and 1.

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Argent, a cross patty Gules; 2 and 3 Or, six annulets Gules, 3, 2, and 1.

Escudo cuartelado: 1o y 4o de plata, una cruz patada de gules; 2o y 3o de de oro, seis anilletes de gules, ordenados 3, 2 y 1.

Blazon keywords: Or, Six, Annulet, Gules, Ordered, Three, Two, One, Quarterly, Argent, Cross patty and Cross couped.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Military, Knights Templar, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Richard, Richard.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Quarterly Or and Argent and quarterly Gules and Argent, comparison

Quarterly Or and Argent, schema

The rule of tincture, «metal should not be put on metal, nor color on color», is the most famous rule of the heraldry. In the divisions of the field, for example, party per fess, party per pale, quartered, etc., the tinctures are beside each other, not one on top of the other, because the divisions are not charges, so the rule of tincture does not apply. Although as a rule of aesthetics may be useful in the case of divisions.

Quarterly Gules and Argent, schema

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Argent, Gules and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture and Illuminated.

Classification: Schema.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Rage from Discord, first version

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Escudo fajado de diez piezas de plata y azur, brochante sobre el todo un águila bicéfala de Sable, nimbada, picada y membrada de oro, teniendo en cada garra un colmillo de elefante al natural y su pecho cargado de una vajra doble.

Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with different shapes and finishings.

Pointed Rounded

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Barry, Ten, Argent, Azure, Overall, One, Eagle, Double headed, Sable, Nimbed, Beaked, Membered, Or, Grasping, Claw, Tusk, Elephant, Proper, Chest, Charged and Double vajra.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand, Rough, Rounded, Ogee and Pointed.

Classification: Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rage from Discord.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Registro Internacional de Armas Gentilicias

Argent, a cross patty Gules, cantoned of four mullets of eight points Azure; on a chief Sable, an elephant passant Or.


Argent, a cross patty Gules, cantoned of four mullets of eight points Azure; on a chief Sable, an elephant passant Or.

The Registro Internacional de Armas Gentilicias, is also known as RIAG, and is it domain.

It is a private register of coat of arms founded in 2006 in Seville, Spain by the herald Ignacio Koblischek Zaragoza.

Categories: Institution, Socioeconomic, Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Outlined in the field tincture, Freehand, Argent, Diminished cross, Patty, Gules, Cantoned, Mullet, Eight, Azure, Chief, Sable, Elephant, Passant and Or.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ricardo de Mandeville, fretty illuminated

Azure fretty Or.

fretty ~ fretté.

Azure fretty Or.

Escudo de azur fretado de oro.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Fretty and Or.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Ricardo de Mandeville.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Robert de Malet

Argent, three buckles Sable.

Roberto de Malet ~ Robert de Malet

Argent, three buckles Sable.

Escudo de plata, tres hebillas de sable.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 595] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 595].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Three, Buckle, Sable and Ordered.

Style keywords: Triangular curved, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Roberto de Malet.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Rodelo lineage from Galicia

Gules, six wagon-wheels Or, 2, 2, and 2.

Gules, six wagon-wheels Or, 2, 2, and 2.

Escudo de gules, seis ruedas de carro de oro, 3 y 3.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed ended shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Another alternative way of writing this same blazon is the following: «Gules, six wagon-wheels Or, arranged in two pallets».

Blazon keywords: Gules, Six, Wagon-wheel and Or.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand and Pointed.

Classification: Lineage, Interpreted, Canting and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rodelo lineage from Galicia.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Royal Council of the Orders of Chivalry

Royal Council of the Orders of Chivalry

In 1523, the Order of Santiago, the Order of Calatrava, and the Order of Alcantara were definitively incorporated into the Crown of Castile, which marked the consolidation of the Royal Council of the Orders of Chivalry of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara, and Montesa. However, it is known that this Royal Council already existed at the beginning of the same 16th century, or even earlier, although there are no foundational documents available to date its inception.

The internet address of its website is where it also hosts the pages dedicated to each of its four orders:

After the Crusades ended and following the model of the military orders created in the Holy Land, European kings established Orders of Chivalry, many of which were military and religious institutions, like the four grouped under this Royal Council.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Emblem, Cross, Quarterly per saltire, Cross of Saint James, Cross couped, Cross of Calatrava, Cross of Alcantara and Cross of Montesa.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Sales, Robert Edward

Azure, a carbuncle of twelve rays Argent; on a chief Or, a hop cone Vert between two apples Gules, slipped and leaved Vert.

Azure, a carbuncle of twelve rays Argent; on a chief Or, a hop cone Vert between two apples Gules, slipped and leaved Vert.

Escudo de azur, un carbunclo de doce rayos de plata; en un jefe de oro, una flor de lúpulo de sinople acompañada de dos manzanas de gules, talladas y hojadas de sinople.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Carbuncle, Twelve, Argent, Chief, Or, Hop cone, Vert, Between, Two, Apple, Gules, Slipped and Leaved.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sales, Robert Edward.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Santiago, Order of

Order of Santiago, emblem

The Order of Chivalry of Santiago is both military and religious. It was founded in the Kingdom of León during the 12th century, although there is a difference of opinion regarding its exact year of foundation. It is named after the patron saint of Spain, James the Greater.

The purpose of its foundation was the protection of the Way of Saint James and the pilgrims who traveled it, and to participate militarily in the advancement of the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Of the Military Order of Santiago of the Sword, of its origin, and antiquity, as well as the form of its Commandery

[Avilés, J.; 1780b; treatise IV, chapter II, page 325] writes «The oldest authentic instrument that is found regarding the origin of the Order of Chivalry of Santiago of the Sword», observe how José de Avilés e Iturbide refers to the order in the masculine form, «is the donation made in the years of 848», note how the Marquess of Avilés does not doubt the antiquity of this order and even in other subsequent paragraphs, he dates it even earlier than currently believed, «made to the Church of Santiago by the King of León Don Ramiro in memory of the famous victory he achieved against the Moors in the battle of Clavijo (two leagues from Logroño), as evidenced by its Privilege, for having seen this Holy Apostle armed and mounted on a Horse, fighting in defense of the Christians; to whose devotion, and in this recognition, the said Order was instituted, taking from it its origin and name, as well as the same Cross that the Saint bore on his chest, and Shield, represented in the form of a Sword, of red color», gules ~ red, «for the blood shed of the Infidels, of whom Don Rodrigo Ximenez, Archbishop of Toledo, in his Chronicle Book VII says»: «Kubet ensis sanguine Arabum».

Drawing with a single stroke

Cross of Saint James the Greater drawing by me with a single stroke. This is the reason why it is asymmetrical, it has the base tip crooked, there are some sides higher than others, and it shows the failure of my pulse in a certains turns.

It is by far my most downloaded and copied painting, the most used on websites, citing me or not, the most used in hotels advertising, parish sheets... and even on T-shirts.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Religious, Military, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Emblem, Cross of Saint James, Cross couped and Cross.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Scotland, banner of arms

Or, a lion rampant Gules, armed and langued Azure; a double tressure flory counterflory Gules.

Or, a lion rampant Gules, armed and langued Azure; a double tressure flory counterflory Gules.

Illuminated and a leather finishing.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Lion, Gules, Armed, Langued, Azure, Double tressure, Flory and Counterflory.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Rectangular.

Classification: Civic, Kingdom of Scotland, Interpreted, Banner of arms and Flag.

Bearer: Scotland.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Simon de Crombe

Argent, a Chevron Gules, on a Chief Gules, three escallops Argent, in fess.

Simon de Croome ~ Simon de Crombe.

Argent, a Chevron Gules, on a Chief Gules, three escallops Argent, in fess.

Escudo de plata: un cabrio de gules; el jefe de azur, tres veneras de plata, en faja.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 623] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 623].

The 3 escallops are in the chief then the description «in fess» are not really needed.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, One, Chevron, Gules, Chief, Three, Escallop and In fess.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Plain tincture, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Simón de Croome.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Simon de Ver

Gules, three cinquefoils Argent.

Simon de Vere ~ Simon de Ver.

Gules, three cinquefoils Argent.

Escudo de gules, tres quinquefolios de plata.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 85] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 85].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Three, Cinquefoil, Argent and Ordered.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Shaded, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Simón de Vere.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Sky, Laird

Party per chevron Vert and Or, in chief a sackbut fesswise Or, in base a thistle slipped and leaved proper.

Party per chevron Vert and Or, in chief a sackbut fesswise Or, in base a thistle slipped and leaved proper.

Escudo de sinople, mantelado en punta de oro, en jefe un sacabuche de oro puesto en faja, en punta un cardo de sinople, florido de púrpura.

Illuminated, freehand finishing, and the inner of the thistle is outlined in the metal Or of its field.

Note the different way of writing the blazon in English and Castilian, «...a thistle slipped and leaved proper» ~ «...un cardo de sinople, florido de púrpura».

Blazon keywords: Vert, Party per chevron, Or, In chief, Sackbut, Fesswise, In base, Thistle, Leaved, Slipped and Proper.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Outlined in the field tincture, Illuminated and Pointed.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sky, Laird.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Spanish Night, tartan, design rationale

SalmeronA 21 o11 MedioPunto Tartan jpg


This tartan has more black and yellow because these are the color Sable-black and metal Or-yellow of my coat of arms. Also, it has the other two colors Gules-red and Azure-blue, and one metal Argent-grey of my crest.


Over the black background, its main visual structure is a thin red line, a thick yellow line, and a thin red line because of the flag of Spain.

It is mostly symmetrical tartan because I am a heraldic artist and I love the symmetry and geometry. But there is a bit of asymmetry, two thin lines grey and blue, to break the uniformity.

Thread count

It is based in the 5 first terms (1, 2, 3, 5, 8) of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34...). This sequence is intimately connected with the golden ratio, 1.61803... that I use frequently in my designs. But for the thread count, I multiple the Fibonacci sequence by 6 to obtain more than 5 inches, then I use the numbers 6=(1x6), 12=(2x6), 18=(3x6), 30=(5x6), and 48=(8x6).

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Or, Sable, One, Letter, Two, Wolf, Passant, In pale and Number.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in the field tincture and Freehand.

Classification: Tartan, Created and Personal.

Bearer: Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Talbot, lineage of England

Escudo de gules, un león rampante dentro de una bordura angrelada todo oro.

Blazon of the Talbot lineage of England.

Escudo de gules, un león rampante dentro de una bordura angrelada todo oro.

Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed Or.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

[Rietstap, J. B.; 1861] writes it in French as «de gueules, au lion d'or, à la bordure engrelée du même». y [Burke, J.; 1836; volume 3, pages 359-360] writes it in English as «Gu. a lion rampant, within a bordure engr. or».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, One, Lion, Rampant, Within, Bordure, Engrailed and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Kingdom of England.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Csernely in 3 steps

Azure, a plough share points downward Argent between, on a base enarched Vert, two bell towers Argent, port and window Sable.

Azure, a plough share points downward Argent between, on a base enarched Vert, two bell towers Argent, port and window Sable.

This schema shows in 3 steps how I emblazon its coat of arms following the rule of 1/3 of the width of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Azure, One, Plough share, Point downwards, Argent, Between, Two, Bell tower, Port and windows, Sable, Terrace in base and Vert.

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Outlined and Plain tincture.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Csernely.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of David Ryan Shorey in 3 steps

Sable, a dolphin naiant Or; a chief embattled Vert, fimbriated Or.

Sable, a dolphin naiant Or; a chief embattled Vert, fimbriated Or.

Blazon keywords: Sable, Dolphin, Naiant, Or, Chief, Embattled, Vert and Fimbriated.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Shorey, David Ryan.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of María Concepción Vallín de Lanzagorta in 3 steps

Gules, on a fess invected Argent, a lioness Azure, armed, langued and the udders Gules.

Gules, on a fess invected Argent, a lioness Azure, armed, langued and the udders Gules.

Blazon keywords: Gules, One, Fess, Invected, Argent, Charged, Lioness, Azure, Armed, Langued and Udder.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable, Diapered, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Vallín de Lanzagorta, María Concepción.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Miguel Francisco Lanzagorta Escutia in 3 steps

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Vert, Azure, Overall, Two, Cannon dismounted, In saltire, Between, Seagull, Volant, In pale, Fish, Naiant, In fess and Argent.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Lanzagorta Escutia, Miguel Francisco.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Nathaniel Bendel in 3 steps

Party per pale Azure and Or, a tree eradicated and blasted between two starlings respectant all counterchanged.

Party per pale Azure and Or, a tree eradicated and blasted between two starlings respectant all counterchanged.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, Or, One, Tree, Erased, Blasted, Counterchanged, Between, Two, Starling, Respectant and Counterchanged (side-by-side).

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Bendel, Nathaniel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Oratorio de San Felipe Neri in 3 steps

Argent, in chief an ecclesiastical cap Sable, in base a heart enflamed gules.

Argent, in chief an ecclesiastical cap Sable, in base a heart enflamed gules.

Blazon keywords: Argent, In chief, One, Ecclesiastical cap, Sable, In base, Heart enflamed, Heart, Enflamed and Gules.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Religious, Created, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Congregación del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri de Alcalá de Henares.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Ralf Hartemink in 4 steps

Or, three puffins proper.

Or, three puffins proper.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Three, Puffin and Proper.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Hartemink, Ralf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Stephan Urs Breu in 4 steps

Party per fess: 1 Argent, a rose Gules, barbed and seeded proper; 2 Gules, two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or.

Party per fess: 1 Argent, a rose Gules, barbed and seeded proper; 2 Gules, two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or.

Blazon keywords: Party per fess, Argent, One, Rose, Gules, Leaved, Seeded, Two, Sword, In saltire, Hilted, Or and Vert.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Breu, Stephan Urs.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn in 3 steps

Azure semé of millrinds Or; on a dexter canton Or, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules.

Azure semé of millrinds Or; on a dexter canton Or, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules.

Coat of arms of The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn emblazoned by me in 3 steps: initial geometric scheme, colors and metals, and lights and shadows.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Semé, Millrind, Or, One, Canton, Dexter, Lion, Rampant, Purpure, Armed, Langued and Gules.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Outlined in the field tincture, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Socioeconomic, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Lincoln's Inn, The Honourable Society of.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Tim Wilkins in 3 steps

Party per bend sinister Or and Gules, a clenched gauntlet Sable.

Party per bend sinister Or and Gules, a clenched gauntlet Sable.

Blazon keywords: Party per bend sinister, Or, Gules, Surmounted, Gauntlet, Sable and Palewise.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: Wilkins, Tim.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

The Heraldry Society

Quarterly Azure and Gules; overall a leopard face, crowned Or, langued Gules, within a tressure flory Or.

Quarterly Azure and Gules; overall a leopard face, crowned Or, langued Gules, within a tressure flory Or. was founded by John P. Brooke-Little, MA, FHS in 1947.

Its objetives are to increase and extend interest in and knowledge of heraldry, armory, chivalry, genealogy and allied subjects.

I am member of The Heraldry Society since 2014. As member, my coat of arms appears in their web site in the following address

Plain tincture and lights and shadows

The coat of arms of The Heraldry Society, plain tincture. The coat of arms of The Heraldry Society, lights and shadows.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Pointed, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Coat of arms, Quarterly, Azure, Gules, Overall, Head, Leopard, Crowned, Or, Langued, Within, Tressure and Flory.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Thomas Grenville, painting schema

Gules, three Clarions Or.

The painting of the coat of arms of Thomas Grenville in 3 steps tracing, tincture and illumination.

Gules, three Clarions Or.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Three, Clarion and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Plain tincture and Illuminated.

Classification: Interpreted, Kingdom of England and Schema.

Bearer: Grenville, Thomas.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Thomas Roscelyn

Gules, three buckles Argent.

Tomás Roscelyn Thomas ~ Roscelyn ~ Thomas Rocelin.

Gules, three buckles Argent.

Escudo de gules, tres hebillas de plata.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 595] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 595].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Three, Buckle, Sable and Ordered.

Style keywords: Triangular curved, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Tomás Roscelyn.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Three horse's heads, process

Or, three horses' heads couped, in pale Sable.

Or, three horses' heads couped, in pale Sable.

This image shows 3 working steps: a) drawing outlined, b) plain tincture color sable charged on plain metal or and c) the 3 heads of horse already finished.

Blazon keywords: Or, Three, Head, Horse, Sable, Couped and In pale.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in the field tincture, Plain tincture and Illuminated.

Classification: Created and Schema.

Bearer: Club Ecuestre Val'Quirico.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Azure, a Tryzub Or.


Azure, a Tryzub Or.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a rounded and pointed shape; illuminated with metals or and color azure; outlined with sable; and a Watercolor finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Trident and Or.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Ukraine.

Bearer: Ukraine.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Universidad Peñafort, 4 different shield shapes

Azure, in chief three keys in bend, fesswise, to dexter, facing downwards Or, in base an open book Argent, garnished Or, the pages inscribed «Ad usum per artes» Gules. Motto: «Universitas Peñafortis».

Azure, in chief three keys in bend, fesswise, to dexter, facing downwards Or, in base an open book Argent, garnished Or, the pages inscribed «Ad usum per artes» Gules. Motto: «Universitas Peñafortis».

Illuminated and a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Three, Key, Or, In chief, In bend, Fesswise, Book, Open, Motto and Motto (identification).

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Socioeconomic, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Peñafort, Universidad.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza

Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.

Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.

Escudo de azur, una Virgen de la Merced teniendo en su mano siniestra una cadena rota de plata, y cargada en su pecho de un escudete cortado, 1o de gules, una cruz patada de plata y 2o de oro, cuatro palos de gules, acostada de dos hojas palmas en pira.

Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

This is the coat of arms of Sister Esperanza Vega Lanzagorta, designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and painted by me. Usually, the English term «between» is translated into Castilian as «acompañado». However, when the 3 elements are elongated in the same direction, the appropriate term in Castilian is «acostado», which means lying down.

Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Our Lady of Mercy, Grasping, Sinister, Hand, Broken, Chain, Charged, Chest, Escutcheon, Party per fess, Cross patty, Cross couped, Between, Palm frond and In pile reversed.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vera, lineage of Aragon

Vair ancient, a bordure gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.

Blazon of the Vera lineage of Aragon.

Vair ancient, a bordure gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.

Escudo de veros antiguos, una bordura de Gules cargada de ocho sotueres cortados de oro.

Illuminated and with a glass finish.

It can be consulted in [Mogrovejo de la Cerda, J.; 1636; cover].

[Friar, S.; 1987; pages 156-157] says of the vair: «originates from the fur of a species of squirrel... which was popular in the Middle Ages as a lining for the garments of those not entitled to wear ermine. The animal was blue-grey on the back and white underneath. By sewing a number of these pelts together, with white and blue-grey alternating,... one which easily translated into the stylized armorial form of Vair and its variants».

Blazon keywords: Vair ancient, One, Bordure, Gules, Charged, Eight, Saltire, Party per fess and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Coat of arms.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales García y Bustamante, Carlos

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief and Fleur de lis.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales García y Bustamante, Carlos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, C. M.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Label and Suspended.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, C. M..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, M. P.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Cantoned and Martlet.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, M. P..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vilardi, lineage of Italy

Argent, on a pile issuant from the base Azure a saltire Or.

Blazon of the Vilardi lineage of Italy.

Argent, on a pile issuant from the base Azure a saltire Or.

Escudo de plata, una pira de azur cargada de un sotuer de oro.

Illuminated and a free hand finishing.

[Cadenas y Vicent, V. de; 2002; page 138] says that the a pile issuant from the base is «a triangle whose base issues from the base of the shield, being a third of its width», but when it is painted in [Cadenas y Vicent, V. de; 2002; page 268, figure 279] along with the pile the width of the base of both isosceles triangles is 2/3 of the width of the shield. I think the width of 2/3 is, in these 2 cases, better than 1/3 width, because with 1/3 there is not enough room for charges, as shown in the figure below.

Pyre widths compared

There are scholars who say that the pile issuant from the base must not touch the upper edge of the shield and others that its tip should be in the center of the chief. In the previous image, the pile issuant from the base of the 1st shield fulfills the first affirmation, and in the 2nd shield, its tip is in the center of the chief.

I have the doubt if it should not be a saltire raguly.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, One, Pile issuant from base, Azure, Charged, Saltire and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Italian Republic.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vittorio Gifra compared to con Almorrabides of Navarre

Paly of six Azure and Or; over all a bend Azure.

Almorrabides of Navarre Or, three Pallets Azure.

Paly of six Azure and Or; over all a bend Azure.

For this comparison I make the optical illusion as if the coat of arms of Almorrabides de Navarra was Azure, instead of being Or, and the Pallets Or, instead of being Azure. Para esta comparación hago el juego visual como si el escudo de Almorrabides de Navarra fuera de Azur, en vez de ser de Oro, y que los palos que sobresalen iluminados son los de Oro, en vez de ser los de Azur.

Blazon keywords: Paly, Six, Azure, Or, Surmounted, Overall (deprecated), Bend, Without divisions, Three and Pale.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Personal and Kingdom of Navarre.

Bearer: Gifra, Vittorio.

Separador heráldico

William Bardolf

Azure, three cinquefoils Or.

Guillermo Bardolf ~ William Bardolf ~ Willem Bardulf.

Azure, three cinquefoils Or.

Escudo de azur, tres quinquefolios de or.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 223] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 223].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Three, Cinquefoil, Or and Ordered.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Shaded, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Guillermo Bardolf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

William de Hondeshacre

Ermine, three chess rooks Gules.

William de Handsacre ~ William de Hondeshacre.

Ermine, three chess rooks Gules.

Escudo de armiños, tres roques de gules.

Included in [Vincent, MS; 1285; number 469] also known as [St. George's Roll; 1285; number 469].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Ermine, Three, Chess rooks, Gules and Ordered.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Guillermo de Handsacre.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Yñigo-Genio, Elias

Or, six fleurs de lis, three, two, one, five Gules and one in the middle of the chief Azure.

Or, six fleurs de lis, three, two, one, five Gules and one in the middle of the chief Azure.

Arms interpreted using a semi-circular shape; tinctures metal or and colors gules and azur; the color sable for delineation; and a freehand finish.

Credits: Rolando Yñigo-Genio is the designer of the coat of arms and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Or, Six, Fleur de lis, Ordered, Three, two and one, Five, Gules, One, Azure and In the Middle of the chief.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Yñigo-Genio, Elias.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Yñigo-Genio, Noelia

Or, a double rose Gules and Argent, barbed Vert, and seeded Or within six fleurs de lis in orle, five Gules and one in chief Azure.

Or, a double rose Gules and Argent, barbed Vert, and seeded Or within six fleurs de lis in orle, five Gules and one in chief Azure.

Coat of arms interpreted with a semi-circular shape; metals or and argent and colors gules, sinople and azur; the delineation is color sable; and a freehand finish.


  • Rolando Yñigo-Genio is the designer of the coat of arms.
  • Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Or, Double rose, Gules, Argent, Barbed, Vert, Seeded, Six, Fleur de lis, Orle, Five, One, Azure and In chief.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Yñigo-Genio, Noelia.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Yñigo-Genio, Rolando

Or, six fleurs de lis in orle, five Gules and one in chief Azure.

Or, six fleurs de lis in orle, five Gules and one in chief Azure.

I have interpreted this coat of arms with a semi-circular shape; tintures or, azure and gules; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Rolando Yñigo-Genio publish on his website DeviantArt his interpretation of my coat of arms as I publish here in I my interpretation of his arms and those of his brothers Noelia Yñigo-Genio and Elias Yñigo-Genio.

Credits: Rolando Yñigo-Genio is the designer of the coat of arms and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Or, Six, Fleur de lis, Orle, Five, Gules, One, Azure and In chief.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Freehand and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Yñigo-Genio, Rolando.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.