Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or.
Escudo partido: 1o de azur, un águila de oro, cargada en su pecho con un tambor real del Reino de Bunyoro-Kitara al natural; 2o de oro, una faja de gules, cargada con una rosa de plata, botonada de oro, acompañada de dos flores de lis de azur, una en el jefe y otra en la punta.
Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a shape ended with an ogee arch, illuminated, and its finishing is that seems watercolor.
Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Eagle, Or, Charged, Chest, Drum, Royal, Proper, Fess, Gules, Rose, Argent, Seeded, Between, Two, Fleur de lis, In chief and In base.
Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Watercolor.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand.
Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or.
Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a shape ended with an ogee arch, illuminated, and its finishing is that seems leather.
This coat of arms was augmented with the Royal drum of the kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara.
Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Eagle, Or, Charged, Chest, Drum, Royal, Proper, Fess, Gules, Rose, Argent, Seeded, Between, Two, Fleur de lis, In chief and In base.
Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand.
Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or. Crest: A crown of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate. The shield is surrounded by the Grand Collar of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate.
This is his coat of arms of emblazoned by me for the Roll of Arms of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate.
Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Eagle, Or, Charged, Chest, Drum, Royal, Proper, Fess, Gules, Rose, Argent, Seeded, Between, Two, Fleur de lis, In chief, In base, Crest and mantling, Crown, Pomegranate, Surrounded and Grand collar.
Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Armorial roll and Castilian language.
Bearer: Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand.
Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.
Escudo fajado de diez piezas de plata y azur, brochante sobre el todo un águila bicéfala de Sable, nimbada, picada y membrada de oro, teniendo en cada garra un colmillo de elefante al natural y su pecho cargado de una vajra doble.
Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with different shapes and finishings.
Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Barry, Ten, Argent, Azure, Overall, One, Eagle, Double headed, Sable, Nimbed, Beaked, Membered, Or, Grasping, Claw, Tusk, Elephant, Proper, Chest, Charged and Double vajra.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand, Rough, Rounded, Ogee and Pointed.
Classification: Interpreted and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Rage from Discord.
Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.
This is the coat of arms of Sister Esperanza Vega Lanzagorta, designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and outlined by me. These arms have a representation of Our Lady of Mercy, celebrated on September 24th. To identify Our Lady of Mercy, I chose two primary symbols: 1) The arms of the Order of Mercy on her chest, «per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules», and 2) the broken chains, symbolizing the redemption of captives, remember that the complete name of the order is the Royal, Celestial, and Military Order of Our Lady of Mercy and the Redemption of the Captives.
Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Our Lady of Mercy, Grasping, Sinister, Hand, Broken, Chain, Charged, Chest, Escutcheon, Party per fess, Cross patty, Cross couped, Between, Palm frond and In pile reversed.
Style keywords: Outlined and Semi-circular.
Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza.
Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.
This is the coat of arms of Sister Esperanza Vega Lanzagorta, designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and painted by me. In the 1st row is the selected version of her coat of arms, and in the 2nd row is other version; both are based on the same structure and concepts.
Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Our Lady of Mercy, Grasping, Sinister, Hand, Broken, Chain, Charged, Chest, Escutcheon, Party per fess, Cross patty, Cross couped, Between, Palm frond and In pile reversed.
Style keywords: Ratio, Outlined, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Illuminated and Semi-circular.
Classification: Personal, Created, Schema, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza.
Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.
Escudo de azur, una Virgen de la Merced teniendo en su mano siniestra una cadena rota de plata, y cargada en su pecho de un escudete cortado, 1o de gules, una cruz patada de plata y 2o de oro, cuatro palos de gules, acostada de dos hojas palmas en pira.
Coat of arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a freehand finishing.
This is the coat of arms of Sister Esperanza Vega Lanzagorta, designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and painted by me. Usually, the English term «between» is translated into Castilian as «acompañado». However, when the 3 elements are elongated in the same direction, the appropriate term in Castilian is «acostado», which means lying down.
Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Our Lady of Mercy, Grasping, Sinister, Hand, Broken, Chain, Charged, Chest, Escutcheon, Party per fess, Cross patty, Cross couped, Between, Palm frond and In pile reversed.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.
Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza.
Water, Eagle, Bald eagle, Eagle claw, Dorsal fin, Tail fin, Two hands clasped, Lark, Tree, Trunk, Rainbow, Atom, Barbel, Acorn, Arm, Owl, Horse, Head, Camellia, Thistle, Kapok tree, Stag, Doe, Crescent, Increscent, Tail, Ermine spot, Heart, Roe deer, Neck, Roe deers' attires, Raven, Dolphin, Diamond, Tooth, Elephant, Emerald, Starling, Mullet, Mullet of four points, Star of David, Estoile, Male figure, Fleur de lis, Lotus flower, Hop cone, Puffin, Ash, Rooster, Claw, Talon, Goose, Heron, Seagull, Pomegranate, Sunflower, Falcon, Leaf, Boar, Goldfinch, Laurel, Barn owl, Lion, Lioness, Lion passant, Leopard, Lion rampant guardant, Lynx, Lily, Flame, Wolf, She-wolf, Moon, Hand, Apple, Apple tree, Martlet, Wing, Two wings in vol, Covert, Mount, Trimount, Fly, Wrist, Olive tree, Orbital, Bear, Palm frond, Palm tree, Dove, Poplar leaf, Paw, Forepaw, Peacock, Chest, Pelican, Pelican in her piety, Dog, Brach hound, Fish, Hoof, Beak, Quill, Cinquefoil, Quetzal, Branch, Caboshed, Oak, Holm oak, Rose, Double rose, Serpent, Sun in splendour, Ray of the sun, Stem, Badger, Tyger, Wheat, Wheat spike, Bull, Tulip, Udder, Escallop and Fox.
Halberd, Plough share, Ace of spades, Anchor, Cyclamor, Torch, Arch, Harp, Non-classic artifact, Crozier, Pair of scales, Ship, Beret, Grenade, Ecclesiastical cap, Chain, Covered cup, Bell tower, Cannon dismounted, Carbuncle, Castle, Clarion, Nail, Cord, Dagger, Key ward, Turret, With a turret, Sword, Sabre, Scroll, Arrow, Garb, Gauntlet, Axe, Buckle, Church, Spear, Spear's head, Letter, Book, Closed book, Open book, Page, Line, Key, Four crescents joined millsailwise, Hammer, Menorah, Number, Knot, Celtic Trinity knot, Water-bouget, Comb, Parchment, Piano, Millstone, Millrind, Millwheel, Clay pot, Bridge, Hourglass, Chess rooks, Compass rose, Rosette of acanthus leaves, Mullet of six points pierced, Broken, Portcullis, Wheel, Wagon-wheel, Symbol, Sackbut, Drum, Tower, Trident, Trumpet, Double vajra and Anvil.
Angel, Heart enflamed, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Paschal lamb, Dragon, Wyvern, Phoenix, Garuda, Griffin, Sea-griffin, Winged hand, Our Lady of Mercy, Pegasus, Saint George, Mermaid, Trinity, Triton, Golden fleece, Unicorn and Ouroboros.
Between, Watercolor, Proper, Pointed, Armorial roll, Azure, Boa, Seeded, Chain, Charged, Ogee, Party per fess, Created, Cross patty, Cross couped, Outlined, Outlined in sable, Two, In chief, In pile reversed, In base, Escutcheon, Coat of arms, Fess, Fleur de lis, Personal, Gules, Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand, Illuminated, Interpreted, Hand, Semi-circular, Or, Palm frond, Party per pale, Chest, Leather, Argent, Royal, Rose, Broken, Sinister, Drum, Grasping, Freehand, One, Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza, Our Lady of Mercy and Eagle.
Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135,
7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.