
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Alexander Nisbet, schema

NisbetA 24 AngreladoAcanalado Esquema jpg

Bordure engrailed and bordure invected.

Painting inspired in [Nisbet, A.; 1816; page 21, pictures 1 and 2], but with the 3 boar's heads of Alexander Nisbet within the 2nd bordure invected.

Blazon writen by the College of Arms for the coat of arms of Michael John Huxley-Evans «Per fess nebuly Sable and Ermine in chief a Rose Argent barbed and seeded proper within a wreath of Thorns Or in base three Boar's Heads erased Sable armed Or.», but to differentiate from the «armed» of the claws, I prefer «tusked» to «armed» for the defenses/tusks of the boar's heads.

Blazon keywords: Bordure, Invected, Engrailed, Head and Boar.

Style keywords: Semi-circular.

Classification: Schema.

Bearer: Nisbet, Alexander.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Balchin, Robert George Alexander

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Vert, a crescent within eight mullets in lozenge Or; 2 and 3 Azure, a chain fesswise throughout between three fleurs de lis, 2 and 1, all the links and fleurs de lis per pale Or and Argent; an inescutcheon Azure, bearing a crown of count, charged with an eagle displayed within a bordure Or.

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Vert, a crescent within eight mullets in lozenge Or; 2 and 3 Azure, a chain fesswise throughout between three fleurs de lis, 2 and 1, all the links and fleurs de lis per pale Or and Argent; an inescutcheon Azure, bearing a crown of count, charged with an eagle displayed within a bordure Or.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a watercolor finishing.

G0067, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Robert George Alexander Balchin's arms, whose coat of arms has been emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Vert, One, Crescent, Eight, Mullet, In lozenge, Or, Azure, Chain, Fesswise, Throughout, Between, Three, Fleur de lis, Ordered, Party per pale, Argent, Inescutcheon, Crest, Crown of Count, Crown, Charged, Eagle and Bordure.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Watercolor and Pointed.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Balchin, Robert George Alexander.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Carlos Vidriales, certification, cover and page 6

VidrialesC 30 Certificacion Portada Pagina6 jpg

Arms of Carlos Vidriales García Bustamante painted by me in the Certification of the King of Arms of Castile and Leon Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera and Gila, Marquess of La Floresta, Viscount of Ayala and grand of Spain. The image shows the cover and the page 6 of this certification.

Credits: Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera y Gila is the author of the certification of arms and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art for the certified coat of arms.

Categories: Certification, Coat of arms, Interpreted, Personal, Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto (motivation), Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Lineage, Conjoined in fess, Decoration, Suspended and Base.

Root: Vidriales García y Bustamante, Carlos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Argent, five escutcheons in cross Azure, each charged with five plates in saltire Argent; a bordure Gules, charged with seven castles triple-towered Or, 2, 2, 2, and 1.

City of Ceuta, Spain, Africa

Argent, five escutcheons in cross Azure, each charged with five plates in saltire Argent; a bordure Gules, charged with seven castles triple-towered Or, 2, 2, 2, and 1.

Escudo de plata, cinco escudetes en cruz de azur, cada uno cargado de cinco bezantes en sotuer de plata; una bordura de gules, cargada de siete castillos de oro, dos en jefe, una en cada flanco y tres en punta

Illuminated and a leather finishing.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three and In base.

Style keywords: Leather, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted and Kingdom of Spain.

Bearer: Ceuta.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Duran, lineage of Andalucia, Extremadura, and Aragon

Gules, a lion passant Or; a bordure Or charged with eight lions’ heads erased Gules.

Blazon of the Duran lineage of Andalucia, Extremadura, and Aragon.

Gules, a lion passant Or; a bordure Or charged with eight lions’ heads erased Gules.

Escudo de gules, un león leopardado de oro; una bordura de oro, cargada de ocho cabezas de león arrancadas de gules.

Illuminated and with a glass finish.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Lion passant, Or, One, Bordure, Charged, Eight, Head and Eradicated.

Style keywords: Glass, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Coat of arms.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Espinosa, Diego

Azure, two trunks of a tree raguly, couped at random, in saltire Argent; a bordure compony of sixteen sections, eight sable charged with a castle triple-towered Or, port, windows, and masoned Sable, and eight Argent

Azure, two trunks of a tree raguly, couped at random, in saltire Argent; a bordure compony of sixteen sections, eight sable charged with a castle triple-towered Or, port, windows, and masoned Sable, and eight Argent

Escudo de azur, dos troncos ecotados, nudosos, en sotuer de plata; una bordura componada de dieciseis compones: ocho de sable cargados de un castillo de oro, aclarado y mazonado de sable, y ocho de plata

Illuminated and a leather finishing.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Two, Trunk of a tree, Raguly, In saltire, Argent, One, Bordure, Compony, Sixteen, Section, Eight, Sable, Charged, Castle, Or, Port and windows and Masoned.

Style keywords: Leather, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Personal and Interpreted.

Bearer: Espinosa, Diego.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Unicornio saltante sobre la divisa, criterio.

Invected and engrailed

NisbetA 25 AcanaladoAngrelado Esquema jpg

Bordure invected and bordure engrailed.

System of Heraldry, 1816, page 21, pictures 1 and 2

Categories: Criterion, Schema, Semi-circular, Bordure, Invected and Engrailed.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Lloscós y Soldevilla, Guilaberto

Argent, a Bull salient Gules within a compony Bordure Argent and Sable.

Guilaberto Lloscós y Soldevilla was grand prior of the Order of Saint John from 1449 to 1460.

Argent, a Bull salient Gules within a compony Bordure Argent and Sable.

Illuminated and parchment finishing.

He also known as Guilaberto Loscós y Soldevilla, and his coat of arms can be consulted at [García Carraffa, A.; García Carraffa, A.; 1968; volume II, page 407].

The Lloscós lineage resided on the island of Mallorca and succeeded in the position of royal procurator of the island. Lázaro Lloscós was the procurator of the island in 1332, his son Mateo Lloscós was in 1392 and his grandson Mateo Lloscós was too. Mateo Lloscós helped King Alonso V of Aragon, the Magnanimous, with the expenses of the Naples campaign in 1435 and, therefore, the king donated the town of Bañalbufar and the title of baron. Mateo Lloscós was the father of Guilaberto Lloscós y Soldevilla grand prior of the Order of Saint John.

Blazon keywords: Argent, One, Bull, Salient, Gules, Bordure, Compony and Sable.

Style keywords: Parchment, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Personal and Interpreted.

Bearer: Lloscós y Soldevilla, Guilaberto.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

McCartney, Michael

Or, a stag trippant Gules, attired Azure; a bordure Azure charged with eight saltires couped Argent.

Or, a stag trippant Gules, attired Azure; a bordure Azure charged with eight saltires couped Argent.

Escudo de oro, un ciervo pasante de gules, acornado de azur; una bordura de azur cargada con ocho sotueres de plata.

Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with with a semi-circular ended shape, illuminated, and with a parchment finishing.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, One, Stag, Tripant, Gules, Attired, Azure, Bordure, Charged, Eight, Saltire and Argent.

Style keywords: Parchment, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: McCartney, Michael.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My personal Minds wall is

5000 subscribers, Minds
Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Minds

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Wavy, Azure, One, Dolphin, Naiant, Argent, Three, Escallop, Or, Stag, Gules, Attired, Bordure, Charged, Eight and Saltire.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Nisbet, A.; 1722

Alexander Nisbet, System of Heraldry, 1722, coat of arms

Alexander Nisbet, «System of Heraldry Speculative and Practical: With the True Art of Blazon», subtitle «according to the most approved heralds in Europe: illustrated with suitable examples of armoria figures, and achievements of the most considerable surnames and families in Scotland, together with historical and genealogical memorials relative thereto», printed by J. MackEuen, Edinburgh, 1722.

This is the very 1st edition of this book and I consult the edition [Nisbet, A.; 1816].

Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.

The author is Nisbet, Alexander.

Here are the articles quoting this reference:

External link:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Argent, five escutcheons in cross Azure, each charged with five plates in saltire Argent; a bordure Gules, charged with seven castles triple-towered Or, 3, 2, and 2

Argent, five escutcheons in cross Azure, each charged with five plates in saltire Argent; a bordure Gules, charged with seven castles triple-towered Or, 3, 2, and 2

Escudo de plata, cinco escudetes en cruz de azur, cada uno cargado de cinco bezantes en sotuer de plata; una bordura de gules, cargada de siete castillos de oro, tres en jefe, uno en cada flanco y dos en punta

Illuminated and a leather finishing.

This coat of arms can be seen in [Avilés, T. de; XVI; página 16], [Bergshammars; 1440; page 4] and in [Lutzelbourg, N. de; 1530; page 37].

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Three, In chief, One, In each flank and In base.

Style keywords: Leather, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted and Kingdom of Portugal.

Bearer: Portugal.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Rudolph Andries Ulrich Juchter van Bergen Quast, crown and mantle

Gules, three Leopards faces Or, the whole within a Border Or with two Bars Gules. Crest: A crest coronet proper. Mantle: Gules doubled Erminois.

Gules, three Leopards faces Or, the whole within a Border Or with two Bars Gules. Crest: A crest coronet proper. Mantle: Gules doubled Erminois.

Freehand finishing

Blazon keywords: Gules, Three, Head, Leopard, Or, Ordered, Bordure, Two, Bar, Crest, Crown of Prince, Crown, Open, Mantle, Erminois and Sable.

Style keywords: Freehand, Pointed, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Juchter van Bergen Quast, Rudolph Andries Ulrich.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic channel on Satellite was, but sadly, this social network didn't evolve properly.

City of Ceuta, Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Satellite

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Talbot, lineage of England

Escudo de gules, un león rampante dentro de una bordura angrelada todo oro.

Blazon of the Talbot lineage of England.

Escudo de gules, un león rampante dentro de una bordura angrelada todo oro.

Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed Or.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a freehand finish.

[Rietstap, J. B.; 1861] writes it in French as «de gueules, au lion d'or, à la bordure engrelée du même».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, One, Lion, Rampant, Within, Bordure, Engrailed and Or.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Kingdom of England.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic channel at Telegram is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Telegram, City of Ceuta

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The Armorial Register, 2015-2023

Iar 18 BeuveletYannick Certificate 20160916 jpg

The arms of Yannick Beuvelet emblazoned by me certified and registered by the Armorial Register.

From 2015 to 2023, armigers of twelve coats of arms emblazoned by me have chosen to register their heraldic achievements in The Armorial Register - International Register of Arms, located in Regent Villa, England, a renowned armorial registry directed by Martin S. J. Goldstraw.

This signifies that my artwork is represented in twelve entries within this prestigious international heraldic archive.

In the image the arms of Yannick Beuvelet emblazoned by me certified and registered by the Armorial Register.

Categories: Armorial roll, Griffin, Armed, Beaked, Bordure, Galero and Doctor.

External resource:

Root: The Armorial Register.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Heraldry videos

Heraldic channel

My heraldic channel @antoniosheraldry at TikTok is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, TikTok, wolf, flag, and schema

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Trujillo Jiménez, Hermanos

Purpure, three dragons passant, in pale Argent; a bordure Gules, eight saltires couped Or.

Purpure, three dragons passant, in pale Argent; a bordure Gules, eight saltires couped Or.

Escudo de púrpura, tres dragones pasantes, en palo de plata; una bordura de gules, ocho sotueres de oro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular ended shape, illuminated, and its finishing is that seems watercolor.

Coat of arms of Trujillo Jimenez brothers, Claudia, Alberto and Felipe, designed by Fernando Martinez Larrañaga, and emblazoned by me.

Credits: Fernando Martínez Larrañaga is the designer of the coat of arms and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Purpure, Three, Dragon, Passant, In pale, Argent, One, Bordure, Gules, Eight, Saltire and Or.

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Watercolor.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Trujillo Jiménez, Hermanos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, C. M.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto (motivation), Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Label and Suspended.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, C. M..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, M. P.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto (motivation), Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Cantoned and Martlet.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, M. P..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Heraldry videos

Heraldic channel

Antonio Salmeron SHA FGSI, YouTube

My heraldic channel at YouTube is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, YouTube

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Cross, Argent, Pomegranate, Bridge, Tower, Escutcheon, Tree, Fish, Bordure, Compony, Eagle, Lion, Pale, Castle, Bell tower, Plough share, Ship, Semé and Fleur de lis.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.