Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Messía de la Cerda y Pita, L.; 1990

Luis Messía de la Cerda y Pita, «Heráldica española, el diseño heráldico», illustrated in color by Calusa y Tete Messia de la Cerda y Gabeiras, edited by Aldaba Ediciones SA Madrid, 1990.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Castilian language and Black and white and color illustrations.

Author: Messía de la Cerda y Pita, Luis.

Internal resources: Paper book.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Lainé, P. L.; Lainé, J. J. L.; 1828

P. Louis Lainé, J. J. L. Lainé, «Archives généalogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ou, Recueil de preuves, mémoires et notices généralogiques, servant à constater l'origine, la filiation, les alliances et lés illustrations religieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses maisons et familles nobles du royaume; Avec la collection des nobiliaires généraux des provinces de France», 11 volumes from 1828 to 1850, published by M. Lainé, printed by De Hauquelin et Dautriche, París, 1844.

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Classification: French language and In black and white.

Authors: Lainé, P. Louis and Lainé, J. J. L..

External links:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Full achievement of the Milian family

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two Ships in full sail, in bend, Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure. Crest: Upon a Helm Argent with a Wreath Argent and Azure a demi Red fox rampant proper, grasping dexter four wheat spikes Or. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent. Motto: «Ignis Aurum Probat».

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two Ships in full sail, in bend, Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure. Crest: Upon a Helm Argent with a Wreath Argent and Azure a demi Red fox rampant proper, grasping dexter four wheat spikes Or. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent. Motto: «Ignis Aurum Probat».

Illuminated and rough finishing.

Blazon keywords: Tierced per bend, Vairy, Or, Azure, Two, Ship, Argent, In bend, Four, Fess, Wavy, Crest, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Fox, Rampant, Proper, Dexter, Wheat, Wheat spike and Motto (motivation).

Style keywords: Rough, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Personal, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Milian, family.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Milian, family

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two Ships in full sail, in bend, Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure.

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two Ships in full sail, in bend, Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure.

Illuminated and rough finishing.

Blazon keywords: Tierced per bend, Vairy, Or, Azure, Two, Ship, Argent, In bend, Four, Fess and Wavy.

Style keywords: Rough, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Personal, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Milian, family.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Arco y García, F. del; 1996b

Fernando del Arco y García, «Método de blasonar», 75 pages, Colección Perseverante Borgoña, edited by Ateneist Group of Vexilological, Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, printed by Gráficas Joma, Legal deposit M. M-5240, ISBN 84-606-2768-3, Madrid, 1996.

Fernando del Arco y Garcia, The method of writing blazons, 1996

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: Arco y García, Fernando del.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Conway, D. J.; 2018

D. J. Conway, «Magickal, Mystical Creatures: Invite Their Powers into Your Life», 272 pages, published by Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, 2018.

How to paint Griffin statant, wings endorsed, Or

Index of fabulous beasts

  • Unicorns, page 15, including Ki-Rin, Sin-You, Karkadann, Goat-Unicorns, Winged Sea-Unicorns;
  • Flying Horses, page 29, including Pegasus, Winged Sea-Pegasus, Arabian-Burak, Sleipnir, Alsvidr, Arvakr;
  • Centaurs, page 39;
  • Satyrs and Fauns, page 51, including Jack in the Green, Pan, Urisk;
  • Gigantic Birds, in the page 63 the part I begins and in the page 71 the part II begins;
  • Human-Birds, page 79, including Garuda, Tengu, Egyptian Ba;
  • Griffins, page 89, including Griffin-Demons, Hippogriff, Senmurv, Simurgh;
  • Mystical Bulls and Bull-Men, page 99;
  • Fabulous Lions, page 105;
  • Magical Serpents, page 115;
  • Riddling Sphinx, page 131;
  • Mad Dogs and Hell Hounds, page 137;
  • Water-Folk, page 153;
  • Creatures of the Stony Stare, page 183;
  • Gargoyles, page 189;
  • Other Magical, Mythical Creatures, page 197.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: Symbolism, In black and white and English language.

The author is Conway, Deanna D. J..

External resource:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Certification of the ISCH for Brady Brim-DeForest

The Commoners' Certification of Arms for Brady Brim-DeForest arms granted by Lord Lyon and emblazoned by me.

BrimDeForestB 38 Isch Certification 263 jpg

Blazon keywords: Gules, Party per chevron, Argent, In chief, Two, Acorn, Slipped, Leaved, Or, In base, One, Fleur de lis and Azure.

Style keywords: Leather and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Certification, Flag, Badge and Interpreted.

Bearer: Brim-DeForest, Brady.

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: Working process for Brady Brim-DeForest.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.