Escudo de Castilla y León

Location map

The following map shows the location of my studio in Madrid in the Paseo de la Castellana 135, just where the street of Sor Angela de la Cruz is born from the Plaza de Cuzco.

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The sculpture of straight bars of stainless steel rotated around an axis made by Andreu Alfaro in 1979, with its 12 meters high, helps the location of my studio.

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Credits: Andreu Alfaro is the author of the sculpture.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Emblemata; 1999

Baron of Valdeolivos Emblematic Chair, of the Fernando el Catolico Institution, of the Centre of Scientific Research (C. S. I. C.) and of the Government of Zaragoza, «Emblemata», Volume 5th, Emblemata Aragonese Magazine about Emblems (E. R. A. E.), 484 pages, 124 pictures, ISSN 1137-1056, Legal deposit Z.3.937 1996, printed by the Cooperativa de Artes Gráficas Librería General, Zaragoza, 1999.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Magazine and Castilian language.

Author: Cátedra de Emblemática Barón de Valdeolivos.

External link:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Freedom and legitimacy to adopt arms

In Spain we are all legitimated to adopt and have our own coat of arms, it is a privilege that we can give ourselves in a pure exercise of freedom, is a right that has been passed down to us throughout our history, and it is as beautiful and simple as it seems.

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Fernando Garcia-Mercadal and García-Loygorri is one of the experts who best described this idea when he writes: «It is the adoption itself... the original way of acquiring a personal blazon that consists of the intellectual of a new coat of arms by whom it intends to make it his own, having the capacity and intention to assume it and subject it to heraldic laws and customs...» and on the basis of it makes us notice that «it can be maintained that every person... has the right, nowadays, to take on new arms, with the exception of blazons owned by others or the acquisition of one which is contrary to law». According to the same author, the proper adoption of a coat of arms has 3 outstanding features [García-Mercadal y García-Loygorri, F.; 2012; page 281]:

  • «Is an act... that can have legal effects,... which implies an intellectual creation,... the mental invention of a certain form and contents that in Western culture are known as coat of arms or blazon»,
  • «Has an identifiable purpose, inasmuch as its object is to be represented by means of the same and, as the case may be, transmit it to its heirs» and
  • «is not an act of free will, since the suitor must submit his armories to design rules».
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Conception, a phase with three activities

Elicitation and ideation:

  • Its objective is to acquire all the signifieds, the ideational components, which must be represented in the blazon as well as the conceptual and symbolic ideation of the shield.
  • Its output must be a candidate representation alongside one or more alternative depictions.
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Heraldic research and critique:

  • Its purpose is to compare the candidate design with the proposed alternatives, first by its heraldic investigation and comparison with other blazons and finally by its esthetic relative estimation.
  • The crop will be the documented decision on the chosen design.

Creation of a sketch of the coat of arms:

  • The aim is the realization a first exhibit of the translation of the blazon into a shield. The activity includes a delineation of the future ornament with at least the motto.
  • The result must be an initial acceptance by the future owner and may be an agreement for a refining cycle going back to any of the previous stages.
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2008

210 paintings with ink, watercolor and other media

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas, «Automatic painting 1991/2004, 210 paintings with ink, watercolor and other media», registered as painting in the Intellectual Property Registry of Madrid, request code M-1583-08, and registration number 16/2008/9490, Madrid, 25th of February of 2008.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

The author is Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio.

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Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Registration in the AGPD

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This personal data file is registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AGPD) with the following identification and description data:

  • Title holder: Antonio Salmerón Cabañas.
  • Registration code number: 2093060094.
  • Registration number: T77109/2009.
  • Shipping number: 05262452Y29A2009141808.
  • Date of registration: October 29, 2009.
  • Registration time: 14 hours : 20 minutes : 31 seconds.
  • Purpose: the offer and provision of professional services for people and institutions, and also the realization of all those activities that are associated to the provision of these services, including activities such commercial, identification of requirements, creative activities, design, technical and plastic execution, delivery of results, consulting services, administrative activities, etc..
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Bibliographic references by centuries and dates

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Index of bibliographical references, including the armorials rolls, grouped by centuries and ordered by dates:

Century I B.C.:

Century XI:

Century XII:

Century XIII:

Century XIV:

Century XV:

Century XVI:

Century XVII:

Century XVIII:

  • [Vega, P. J. de; 1702]: Compendio de la Maior Parte Ð los Blassones, Armas, e Ynsignias Ð las Ylustres Casas, Familias, y Apellidos del Reyno Ð Navarra i Parte Ð la Provincia de Gvipvzcoa, Segvn las Vsan y Traen los Svccesores Ðellas.
  • [Stych, F. S.; 1722]: The Flow Chart Method and Heraldic Enquiries.
  • [Nisbet, A.; 1722]: System of Heraldry Speculative and Practical: With the True Art of Blazon.
  • [Avilés, J.; 1725a]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume I.
  • [Avilés, J.; 1725b]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume II.
  • [Avilés, J.; 1780a]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume I.
  • [Avilés, J.; 1780b]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Tomo II.
  • [Pineda, Juan d.; 1783]: Libro del Passo Honroso, defendido por el excelente caballero Suero de Quiñones.
  • [Moreno de Vargas, B.; 1795]: Discourse on the Nobility of Spain.
  • [Anonymous; 1800a]: Armerías de España.

Century XIX:

  • [Nisbet, A.; 1816]: System of Heraldry Speculative and Practical: With the True Art of Blazon.
  • [Lindsay, D.; 1822]: Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript Emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms, 1542.
  • [Lainé, P. L.; Lainé, J. J. L.; 1828]: Archives généalogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ou, Recueil de preuves, mémoires et notices généralogiques, servant à constater l'origine, la filiation, les alliances et lés illustrations religieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses maisons et familles nobles du royaume; Avec la collection des nobiliaires généraux des provinces de France.
  • [Burke, J.; 1836]: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland: Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank; but Uninvested with Heritable Honours.
  • [Burke, B.; 1842]: The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time.
  • [Medél, R.; 1846]: The Spanish Blazon or Heraldic Science, Coats of Arms of the Different Kingdoms into which Spain has been divided, and of the Noble Families thereof.
  • [Parker, J. H.; 1847]: A Glossary of Terms Used in British heraldry, with a chronological table illustrative of its rise and progress.
  • [Piferrer, F.; 1858]: Treatise on Heraldry and Blazonry.
  • [Costa y Turell, M.; 1858]: Tratado completo de la ciencia del blasón, o sea, Código heráldico-histórico; acompañado de una estensa noticia de todas las órdenes de caballería existentes y abolidas.
  • [Rietstap, J. B.; 1861]: Armorial général, précedé d'un Dictionnaire des termes du blason.
  • [Bécquer, G. A.; 1862]: The Mount of the Souls.
  • [Langton, W.; 1876]: The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benolte (Benalt), Clarencieux.
  • [Stodart, R. R.; 1881]: Scottish Arms: Being a Collection of Armorial Bearings, A.D. 1370-1678.
  • [Husenbeth, F. C.; 1882]: Emblems of saints: by which they are distinguished in works of art.
  • [Rylands, J. P.; 1882]: The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580, Made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, for William Flower, Norroy King of Arms, with Numerous Additions and Continuations, Including those from The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1566, by the same Herald, with an Appendix Containing The Visitation of a Part of Cheshire in the Year 1533, William Fellows, Lancaster Herald, for Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux King Of Arms, And a Fragment of The Visitation of the City of Chester in the Year 1591, Made by Thomas Chaloner, Deputy to the Office Of Arms.
  • [Gourdon de Genouillac, H.; 1889]: L'Art Héraldique.
  • [Ströhl, H. G.; 1891]: Die Wappen der Buchgewerbe.
  • [Winkler, P. P. von; 1892]: Russian Heraldry: History and Description of Russian Coats of Arms with Illustrations of All the Coats of Arms of the Nobility, included in the General Armorial of the Russian Empire.
  • [Parker, J.; 1894]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
  • [Stock, E.; 1895]: The Antiquary, A Magazine Devoted to the Study of the Past.
  • [Wade, W. C.; 1898]: The symbolisms of heraldry or A treatise on the meanings and derivations of armorial bearings.
  • [Rumor, S.; 1899]: Il Blasone Vicentino Descritto ed Illustrato.

Century XX:

Century XXI:

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: o-XI, heraldic document.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.