In color

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Alfonso X of Castile; 1265

Coat of Arms of Álvaro de Zúñiga y Guzmán, first Duke of Arévalo

Alfonso X of Castile, The Wise, «The Seven-Part Code», its estimated completion year is 1265.

This is the copy I can consult, as it is available in the Hispanic Digital Library, it is a manuscript measuring 42 by 30 centimeters that once belonged to Álvaro de Zúñiga y Guzmán, first Duke of Arévalo, which later came into the possession of the Catholic Monarchs, initially Queen Isabella I of Castile, and after her death, King Ferdinand reclaimed it for the price of 5,251 maravedis. The original is housed in the National Library, in display case 4/6.

This copy, in addition to its numerous capital letters, has 8 illustrated pages, which according to its subsequent hand-numbering in pencil are:

  • Page 6, among its illustrations can be seen 2 coats of arms of the Zúñiga family «Argent, a bend Sable, over all, a chain in orle Or», in this case formed by 16 links, 8 round and 8 more elongated placed in profile.
  • Pages 106 and 191, on the latter can be seen a curious bishop-lizard climbing.
  • Pages 294 and 331, on the 2nd at the bottom, a maiden is seen walking a monkey to relieve itself and to her right a fight of men with beast bodies.
  • Page 379 and on its previous unnumbered page, and finally, on page 415 which begins with a tournament where the 2nd knight bears the ancient arms of France «Azure, semy of fleurs de lis Or».

The coat of arms that illustrates this bibliographic reference is that of Álvaro de Zúñiga y Guzmán. For the creation of his chain, I followed the illustration of his 2 coats of arms on the already mentioned page 6 of this manuscript.

It is one of my favorite manuscripts and, perhaps, the one with which I have created the most things.

Bibliographical reference of century XIII.

Classification: Castilian language, Manuscript and In color.

Author: Alfonso X of Castile.

External links:

Internal resources: AlfonsoXDeCastilla1265.7Partidas.10642.pdf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Avilés, T. de; XVI

Tirso de Avilés, continued by Martín de Bolea y Castro, «Roll of arms», 3 volumes, Volume I, coats of arms of kings, princes and grand titles, 208 hand-numbered pages in Roman numerals, Volume II, coats of arms of noble and private titles, 129 hand-numbered pages in Arabic numerals, Volume III, coats of arms of popes, cardinals, archbishops and bishops, 185 hand-numbered pages in Arabic numerals, in the National Library of Spain, signatures Mss/12550 V.1, Mss/12551 V.2 and Mss/12552 V.3, it is estimated from the XVI century.

Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Portugal, Tirso de Avilés, and emblazoned by me

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Manuscript, Armorial roll, In color and Castilian language.

Author: Avilés, Tirso de.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

External resources:

Internal resources: Volume I AvilesTdeXVI.11.Tomo01.pdf, Volume II AvilesTdeXVI.11.Tomo02.pdf and Volume III AvilesTdeXVI.11.Tomo03.pdf.

Credits: This book belongs to the Biblioteca Nacional de España. License Creative Commons CC-BY. You may share, transform and create from images in the public domain that are accessible in the Hispanic Digital Library.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Bergshammars; 1440

Anonymous, «Roll of arms», roll of arms manuscript called Bergshammars, written, emblazoned and edited in Brabant, Burgundian Netherlands, during the years 1440-1456, 493 pages numbered later in pencil, contains coats of arms of several European kingdoms, on page 488 the year 1553 seems to be written, Brabant, ca 1440.

Video of the 493 pages of the Bergshammars, 1440

Bibliographical reference of century XV.

Classification: Manuscript and In color.

The author is anonymous.

Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:

External resources:

Internal resources: Bergshammars1440.33.Video.Manuscript.SchubertSymphony4.mp4 a video lasting 7 minutes and 11 seconds, sound track Symphony No. 4 in C minor, D 417, called Tragic, composed by Franz Schubert in April 1816, when he was 19 years old.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Charles' Roll; 1285

«The Heralds' Roll», containing 486 painted coats of arms, it is an English roll of arms dating from c. 1285.

Bibliographical reference of century XIII.

Classification: Armorial roll, Manuscript and In color.

Author: unknown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Cró, J. do; 1509

João do Cró, «Livro do Armeiro-Mor», roll of arms manuscript, written and emblazoned during the reign of Manuel I of Portugal, 161 pages, it is in the Torre do Tombo National Archive, ca 1509.

Facsimile copy of Livro do Armeiro-Mor

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Manuscript, In color and Portuguese language.

Author: João do Cró.

External link:

Internal resources: CroJdo1509.LivroDoArmeiroMor.02.Comentado.Desordenado.pdf 277 pages and Facsimile edition on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Froger, M.; 2012

Michel Froger, «L'héraldique: histoire, blasonnement et règles», 127 pages, more than 1000 color illustrations, Editions Ouest-France, ISBN.13 9782737357923, Rennes, 12 September 2012.

L'héraldique: histoire, blasonnement et règles, Michel Froger

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: In color and French language.

Author: Froger, Michel.

Internal resources: Paper edition, gifted by the author.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Heralds' Roll, T.; 1280

«The Heralds' Roll», containing 697 painted coats of arms, it is an English roll of arms dating from c. 1280.

In The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, with code MS297, there is a copy of the 15th century.

Bibliographical reference of century XIII.

Classification: Armorial roll, Manuscript and In color.

The author is unknown.

External resources:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


The Commoners' Roll of Arms 2023 Full Edition, 260 pages featuring 401 coats of arms for people and 8 for entities, 92 badges, 69 standards, 30 flags, 299 written blazons, 68 heraldic artists, 36 heralds, 46 heraldic jurisdictions, 43 authorities, certificators and registers cited, 192 issued certifications for people and 7 for entities.

I am editor of «The Commoners' Roll of Arms» of the International Society of Commoners Heraldry and I have edited 145 biweekly editions from 2017 to 2023.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Lutzelbourg, N. de; 1530

Nicolas de Lutzelbourg, lord of Fléville and captain of Nancy, «Roll of arms», sixteenth century (the author lived between 1485? and 1547), manuscript in French on parchment, with 230 pages numbered later with pencil the odd pages from 1 to 115, 29 x 21 cm, Bibliothèque-Médiathèque of Nancy digitized, source of the images with open license.

Video of 120 seconds composed for the Biblioteca Genealógica, Heráldica y Nobiliaria. Music by Georg Philipp Telemann (1681, 1767), Concerto for 4 Violins No. 2, TWV 40: 202, II. Grave, interpreted by Viola Viva, with Creative Commons license of Attribution and ShareAlike.

Content examples: Scotland on pages 28, 29 and 30 with 61 coat of arms; Aragon on page 33 with 11 coat of arms; Castile and Leon on page 35 with 8 coat of arms; Navarre on page 36 with 1 coat of arms; and Portugal on pages 37 and 38 with 27 coat of arms.

Video, Scotland and Portugal, Lutzelbourg, N. de; 1530
Video, Aragon, Castile and Leon, Lutzelbourg, N. de; 1530

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Manuscript, French language and In color.

Author: Lutzelbourg, Nicolas de.

Here are the articles quoting this reference:

External resources:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2014a

Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, «Los emblemas heráldicos: novecientos años de historia», Royal Cavalry Armory of Seville, Culture and Nobility Collection, 508 pages, ISBN.13 9788494139208, Seville, 2014.

Cover, Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: In color and Castilian language.

The author is Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, Faustino.

Internal resources: Physical book.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Pérez de Vargas, J.; XVI

Juan Pérez de Vargas, «Nobiliario», 228 pages with 2 columns, index between pages 224 and 228 ordered by initial but unordered within each initial, 31 x 23 centímeters, kept in the National Library of Spain, signature Mss/3061, it is estimated from the XVI century.


It follows a fixed structure for each entry: the name of the lineage or person, a horizontal line of separation, a explanatory text, a horizontal line of separation, coat of arms with the with of the column and full-color, a horizontal final line. All of this within the columns, only coming out for some exterior decorations, which I especially like.

Index of Nobiliario Original de Ivan Perez de Vargas
Coat of arms of the Guevara, Juan Pérez de Vargas

My collaboration with the National Library of Spain

I have collaborated with the Department of Manuscripts, Incunabula, and Rare Books of the National Library of Spain to correctly attribute the authorship of this 16th century manuscript armorial titled «Nobiliario», signature Mss/3061, to Juan Pérez de Vargas. It has been quite an honor.

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Manuscript, Armorial roll, In color and Castilian language.

The author is Pérez de Vargas, Juan.

External resources:

Internal resources: Pages from 1 to 117 PerezDeVargasJXVI.11.Paginas.001.117.pdf and Pages from 118 to 235 PerezDeVargasJXVI.12.Paginas.118.235.pdf.

Credits: This book belongs to the Biblioteca Nacional de España. License Creative Commons CC-BY. You may share, transform and create from images in the public domain that are accessible in the Hispanic Digital Library.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Raber, V.; 1548

Vigil Raber, «Armorial con 7244 escudos de armas», 903 pages of content, almost all color pages, 7244 coat of arms, 30 x 21 centimeters, at the Herzogin Anna Amalia Library, shelf code Fol 220, permanent identifier 1249054540, 1548.

Vigil Raber, 1548, pages from 2 to 4, it has 7244 coat of arms
Vigil Raber, 1548, pages from 10 to 15, it has 7244 coat of arms

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Armorial roll, Manuscript, In color and German language.

Author: Raber, Vigil.

External links:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

The Heraldry Society; 2016

The Heraldry Society, «HeraldryForBeginners: Beasts, Banners and Badges», Baldock, Hertfordshire, 2016.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: In color.

The author is The Heraldry Society.

External resource:

Internal resources: TheHeraldrySociety2016.HeraldryForBeginners.pdf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

The Heraldry Society; 2018

The Heraldry Society, «Historic Heraldry Handbook», Baldock, Hertfordshire, 2018.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: In color.

The author is The Heraldry Society.

External resource:

Internal resources: TheHeraldrySociety2018.HistoricHeraldryHandbook.pdf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Vincent, MS; 1285

Edmundo of Bassingbourne, Gyronny, Or and Azure, MS Vincent 1285

Vincent Manuscript, in English, usually written as «MS Vincent, 164 ff.1-21b», also called [St. George's Roll; 1285], it is in the College of Arms, London, containing 677 painted coats of arms, it is an English roll of arms dating from c. 1285.

Bibliographical reference of century XIII.

Classification: Armorial roll, Manuscript and In color.

The author is unknown.

The following articles cite this bibliographic reference:


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.